Chapter 39

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Chapter 39


I take off the mouthpiece and let out an angry yell. I shot randomly, taking down soldier after soldier, blind fury coursing through me. It's pulling me down, making me tumble in an endless chasm which offers no escape. I'm falling down, and there's nothing I can do to prevent gravity from sending me to the bottom of the pit. I've put everything at stake now, and my battleground is no longer with Argentum but with myself. I don't know if I can hold on anymore. I don't know if I can be the Lia this revolution has made of me. I don't know how long these drops of strength could glue me together and keep me strong. All I know is that the winner takes it all, and I have to win. I have got to win.

I allow the tears to fall, mixing with pools of blood on the ground. A moment ago, I was the Lia Carter who held on to her future. I was the Lia Carter who followed orders, who served her country, who helped them gain their knowledge. A moment ago, I was the Lia Carter who knew how to hope, how to have faith, how to love.

But the moment is gone.

I am no longer that Lia Carter. Now, my future is gone. I no longer followed orders. Now, I knew nothing but hate, pride, power and deceit.

And I let it happen.

A bomb explodes from nearby and the ground shakes. The ceiling collapsed, crushing down twenty or so soldiers trying to make way to Fiouris' office. I regroup next to Eric, and our backs were leaning against each other as we shot our enemies. Blood was everywhere, but I didn't give a damn.

Bullets fired, and they were all my ears picked up. The pulling of triggers, the moan of men as they fell to the ground, the blasting sound as gunpowder is released and ignited. I can't even hear one of my soldier's voices when he yelled at my earpiece.

"They're here! We've got more men!"

I went on, firing and doing my best to save the bullets I have left. I placed my guns in their holsters and elbowed an incoming guard. I hear his jaw crack and saw his face gone slack. I commanded Eric to stay on guard while I struggles to press the button on Fiouris' desk to lead me to the penthouse. I stood on the desk, and the whole floor ascended. The sun glared down on us, making my eyes squint at its brightness. It was as if it has been mad at us for the war we are waging, for the lives we are losing and for the cause we are fighting for.

"Eric, the flag!"

I pulled out my gun again while I gave Eric time to rummage the flag out of his tool bag. We only had a few of our enemies left since our floor already ascended, but it would be a matter of time before backup reaches the penthouse. They know our next move. Argentum wasn't that stupid.

Eric found the flag and tossed it to me, and I caught it in my arms, slipping the guns back to their holsters. Eric returned to his post and stayed on guard.

I untangled the rope from the pole and lowered down Argentum's silver flag.

Fiouris' reign was over.

I chucked the silver flag and set fire to it, watching the flames reduce it into nothing but ash. Fighter planes were starting to rise in the air, keeping the city under control, and from above I could see civilians rushing from their homes to join our revolt. They had nothing but baseball bats, pans and small-time rifles, but they were armed with courage, bravery and passion. Passion I have never seen before. They knew they've been stepped on. They knew they've been lied to. They knew, and they won't let it happen again.

My eyes welled up with tears, and I catch a glimpse of Eric pumping his fist in the air and hollering. I smiled, raised my head with pride, clipped our flag and hoisted it up. Eric supported the other rope, and his bright, blue eyes were twinkling, shedding tears of joy. His face donned the mask of a smile dotted with sweat, bloodstains and salty teardrops. We may have lost the lives of some, but we have saved a few and gained a lot. We may have had days of suffering and moments of darkness, but the future will forever see the light. Fiouris was no more.

Our flag waved amidst the gusts of wind and steams of plane engines. It glowed under the heat of the sun, its blood red color setting fire to the sky.

We had won.

The revolution was over.

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