Chapter 28

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Chapter 28


I pulled the trigger and watched the bullet sail through the target. I fired again and I hit the second target. In this sport, I can release all the rage I can feel welling inside of me, the rage I have towards all my unanswered questions. My doubt with my relationship has faded, but my doubt in this government hasn't. I can feel Argentum keeping secrets from its people. I can feel it keeping secrets from me. All my life I have been serving my government. I know when it's hiding something or not. 

The door to the room opens with a banging sound, and I see Dr. Carter barge in the room. He was panting and sweating all over, his glasses askew and his hair unkempt. Up until now, I can see Lauren through his eyes. I can see the same calm ferocity given off by those charming, green orbs. 

"What is it, Doctor?" He looked pale as if he'd just seen a ghost. Surely, I didn't look like one. It must've been someone else. "What's wrong?" 

He shook his head. I put down my gun and rushed towards him, helping to steady his breaths. "Tell me." I demanded. I knew that it was bad news, but I wanted to hear it anyway. He was allowing suspense to fill the air around us. 

"They've got her." 

"Got who?" I asked, confused. "Got who, Dr. Carter? You can't expect me to know who you're exactly talking about if I don't even know what's going on?" 

"Lauren." I felt the world around me come to an abrupt halt. Aurum's got Lauren. We have one less chance of hope left. 


"No!" I denied, but the truth was inevitable. "That's not possible!" I hit Dr. Carter hard on the chest and he staggered back. I burst out the door and ran for Dr. Fiouris' office. His secretary met me as I came out of the elevator. 

"How may I help you, Ms. Lia?" His secretary, Juniper, beamed in a cheerful tone. 

"I need to speak to the president." 

"I'm afraid he's in a meeting, Ms. Lia." 

"I don't care." I shoved her aside and strode towards the hall. I didn't care anymore. It's Lauren we're talking about, and if there's any other person I care the most about in this world other than Lawrence, it would be her. She's my sister. Not literally sister as in "sister", but still, sister. 

Oh, you get my point. I am in no mood to explain. 

I swiped my access card at the conference room of Dr. Fiouris' I knew where he holds his meetings that I am able to track him immediately. The door opened and I stormed in. I knew it was impolite, but manners did not matter anymore if the life of my sister was in danger. 

"They've got her, Dr. Fiouris." I say, my voice firm although my heart wasn't. "They've got her and they're going to kill her." I scanned the room and saw the disappointed and disapproving faces of the president's cabinet members. They just stared at me, including Dr. Fiouris himself. "Are you all deaf?" I felt my voice rise to a crescendo. 


"No." Dr. Fiouris was the first to speak. He stood from his chair and faced me. I could feel my inner self curl at the powerful sight of him. 

"Well, then, do something!" I wailed. "Send reinforcements! Send your best team and save her! Don't you realize how she can die any moment?" 

Nobody moved. Nobody even agreed with me. Dr. Fiouris' eyes remained focused on me as he released a sigh. 

"Do something!" I yelled again. "My sister is in the hands of our enemy! My sister got captured so that you can have the upper hand! She needs our help!" 

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