Chapter 26

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Chapter 26


I felt so cold. 

The air around me felt so empty and devoid of life. I was locked up once again in a cell, but this was even worse than what Argetum has constructed for me. 

My prison had the same immaculate white color. The bed, which was the only furniture in the cell, was positioned at the center of the room and cameras were perched on the three walls surrounding me. There were no doors and the floor was covered in a plush, white carpet. There was a red button on the wall which was meant to be rung whenever I needed assistance or whenever I needed to go to the bathroom. I didn't have one of my own. Aurum thinks that I might use it for escape. The worst about the room, aside from being totally blank, is that there was a window on one of the walls wherein people could watch you without you being able to see them. Electricity hummed on the window, and anybody who dare come close to it would get killed in a second. The walls were impenetrable, strong as steel but disguised as a white plaster, and there were no holes or drillings to be found. The room gave off a chill from an unknown ventilation source, but the area was lit up as bright as possible. The whole room reeked of maximum security measures, and I looked at my shackles once more and asked myself how I lost during my battle.

I shouldn't be here. I wasn't meant to be here. I should be out in the open, fighting for my country. I should be fighting for my nation. 

But then again, I am here, and there's nothing I could do except replay the past events in my mind. 

The wound in my leg has been completely healed thanks to the salve provided by The Control. Jonathan insisted that I be given maximum security and special treatment at once. After all this time, he still believes that I can be an asset to him.  He should know by now that I'm not betraying Argentum no matter what. I am not a traitor to my people. 

The wall slides open and I stir from the floor. I strain for a moment, forgetting that my chains would cause me pain if I do so. I wince and bite my lip, tasting blood in my mouth.

"President Kress would like to see you for the Inquisition."  I shake my head. Same old Jonathan. He was still pretty persistent. 

"Tell him I'm in no mood to follow his orders." I have been through one Inquisition trial so far, and it didn't turn out pretty well. I had enraged the president, and he had replied to me with a mocking remark. The line was now drawn between us. Jonathan and I were permanent enemies. 

The guard barged in my cell and pulled me up harshly. I moved my foot to kick his knee, but felt a stabbing pain shooting through my leg. It was the work of the chains–the more I tried to fight and escape, the more it coils itself and pains me. It reminded me of Whiplash, the weapon I used against Zafir. It was a steel weapon that would drill your throat each time you made a move or tried to scream. Once it is wrapped around your neck, you could never take it away again. Nobody has ever survived it. There was nothing you could do except wait for death to deliver its sentence. 

"Let me go!" I said, fiercely. I saw two more guards rush past the entryway and they grabbed hold of my arms, dragging me out my room. "Let me go!" I repeat futilely. "You'll get nothing from me, you hear that?" I struggled at their grasp, but it was useless. My chains kept me from fighting.  "Argentum will come and defeat you!" 

"Shut her up." One of the guards say as they continued dragging me forward. Morons. How can I talk to Jonathan when they want to keep me quiet? It just shows that Aurum lacks the perfect knowledge and strategy Argentum has. 

I snicker and their eyes were glued on me. I couldn't help it. It was hopeless. Soon, I knew I'd get out of this prison. Argentum will just have to hurry up and conquer the throne. "Fools!" I exclaimed. "There's nothing you can do. Argentum will come for you. You shouldn't waste your precious time with me. Argentum will come and win this war!" 

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