Chapter 38

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Chapter 38



A sparkle of colors exploded in the sky, and I knew it was time.

The guards were distracted. We've installed security cameras around the Laboratory. The look on their faces made me stifle a chortle. Some of them went out, running as if expecting the fireworks display to be some sort of attack from Aurum.

That was my signal. I radioed the runners and those who were part of Group A to standby. So far they've ushered all the civilians outside of the building, saying that they were conducting a fire drill and that it was part of Argentum protocol. The runners are already positioned around the area and dressed as soldiers. I eyed some members of my resistance and saw that they were working on the broadcasting. Different wires were strewn on the floor of the back part of the van, and different monitors lit up our surroundings with an eerie blue glow. The broadcasting would be our official declaration of rebellion against the government, and it will also serve as an invitation to those who wish to join us.

The thought of Lawrence suddenly pops in my mind, but I pushed it away. I gave him a choice. I offered him to join us, to stay together with me. But he chose not to. He chose to give up on us.

No. This is not the time for sentimentality. I should focus on this war we're planning, on this strategy that will fall apart without my full intention.

"Alright, Group A, blow the building into bits."

I heard the explosion from underground. I felt our van rock sideways, and my fingers gripped the tattered seat I was poised in. The earth beneath me begun to tremble, and gunshots rung in the air.

"Runners, go!" I commanded, hearing bullets being fired in the background.

The security cameras showed us the havoc going on outside. The East building was crumbling to the ground, heaps of glass and concrete piling against one another. Smoke rose in the air and civilians were screaming to the top of their lungs. Shards of glass rained down on the pavement over the heads of the people, and the building roared like an angry monster being pacified and tamed.

The runners were heaving, their breaths coming out as puffs as they shot and ran. One of them was Dash, and I watched him. He was stealthy and quick, living up to his name. He shot with accuracy, and he seemed to be leading the group though he was short of breath. I uttered a silent prayer that he would make it. That he would make it just in time for us to invade the Laboratory, burn Fiouris' files and have Argentum under our control. I prayed that he would make it alive to a new dawn, a new day for all of us.

"Let's go." I said, fear trickling from under my breath. Its tendrils grip each of us, each of our weapons and tell us that the end is near. That the end will come if we don't make it, if we don't succeed. I put a hand to my gun which was safely located in its holster. We rushed out of the van and made our way to the elevator where it will take us to the main offices.

"Group C, position." I ordered.

"On it." Ingrid responded. I put her leader of Group C since she was always part of the testing.

We make our way to the third floor, Eric by my side. He reaches for my hand and squeezes it, and I realize it might be the first and last time we would fight together. The first and last time to make things work.

"It'll be alright." I whispered. He nodded, his orbs of blue boring into me and telling me a lot of things in different languages.

The elevator doors open with a 'bing' and a rush of bullets riddle us. Blood splatters everywhere-on my face, on my neck, on my clothes. I duck, pull my gun out of its holster and fire. I shoot one soldier on the knee, blood spilling out the bullet wound. I slide between the legs of one soldier and keep shooting. I look at my fallen comrades and search for Eric. Luckily, he wasn't among them.

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