Chapter Nineteen

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Hope this makes up for my absence 😘

"You're really not gonna tell me where we're going?"

"Of course not, Aggele. It would ruin the surprise," he chuckled.

My lower lip popped out subconsciously.

He reached a large hand out, pushing on my lip. "Don't let Gabe see you doing that."

My face pinched, "Why would he care?"

Silas looked at me, a mischievous gleam in his eyes, "Try it out and see."

I didn't respond. Silas seemed to think it would have some kind of effect on Gabriel so I knew I'd just have to try it out later.

We stepped outside, wind immediately pushing me back. Silas took notice and pulled me under his arm. I held back a shiver at how warm and close he was.

Silas pulled open the car's silver door and motioned for me to get in. My stomach fluttered at the action. Before these boys, no one had ever opened doors for me.

I situated myself in the seat as he crossed the car and got in on the driver's side. His hands worked the car with such fluidity I was almost jealous. I never had the chance to learn to drive.

He glanced at me, "You okay?"

Smiling, I replied, "Yeah. I was just thinking you drive so naturally."

His smile blinded me, "Thank you. Do you know how to drive?"

I grimaced, "No."

"North would love to teach you. He's a big car person. But if you don't want him to, I'll do it. I'll always teach you anything you want." Something about the way he said that made my stomach flip. I pressed against my bottom lip.

"Maybe... maybe I will ask North. You think he'd be up for it?"

He looked completely sure of himself, "He would definitely be up for it, Aggele."

I nodded and turned to look out the window as Silas made a turn down a road I'd never been on before. Granted, I'd only ever been on one road before but still. As we continued on, the forest grew thicker and thicker. I didn't know if the trees changed colors or not but it sure looked like autumn.

A warm hand encased mine. My head twisted around but Silas didn't meet my eyes. His lips curled slightly. I bit my lip, looking at our entwined hands. His tanned hand was at least twice the size of mine.

We stayed quiet for the rest of the trip. I was thankful he didn't try to have a conversation with me. I wasn't sure if my mind could focus on anything but the warmth radiating from his skin.

He only let go when we pulled to a stop and he had to put the car in park. Silas hopped out of the car and was at my side within seconds, opening the door for me. I took his outstretched hand, heat crawling up face.

"I know the temperature isn't ideal but I still figured this is something you'd like to see. Plus, it's one of my favorite places to be." He was right. Chillbumps littered my skin but it wasn't unbearable by any means. And I wanted to see something he loved.

He tugged on my hand, leading us over to a tall brick gate. It was white and a few feet over Silas' height. He unlatched the metal lock and pushed the gate open, allow me to go through first.

A large, awed smile took over my face. I couldn't hear them yet but monstrous waves crashed onto the red sand. The sand looked soft and I wanted to touch it. I quickly removed my shoes and sunk my feet into the warm sand. Never in a million years would I have expected this to be on the opposite side of that gate.

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