Chapter Seven

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This chapter was fun to write...

Also!! I'm dedicating the chapter to @savinggoddess because she was the first to correctly guess all of the boys' sins/roles.

    Water bubbled around me. My eyes wouldn't seem to open, to look at where I was, to figure out what was holding my shoulders down. My mouth was open. I think I was screaming but I couldn't hear it. It was as if all of my senses where turned off except for touch.

    Except for pain.

    My lungs burned. I feared they would burst any moment. Water had rushed into my mouth, filling up every crevice and tickling the back of my throat. I knew if I had my eyes open, colored spots would dance in the corners of my vision.

    When I thought I couldn't take it anymore, when my lungs truly felt on fire, I breathed in the water. It was a horrible mixture of relief and torment, my lungs expanded as needed but with a substance that weighed them down.

    I couldn't breathe. I think I reached my hands up to push the weight off but I couldn't feel anything holding me down.

    Muffled yelling broke from the water above. I couldn't make any of the words out. Had Mom found me? I stilled myself under the weight, the fight flowing out of me. She had found me. I knew I couldn't be safe forever. She always promised I would never be free.

    "Wake up!"

    My body jerked up, something hard smacking into my forehead.

    "Fuck! What the hell," A voice bellowed.

    I snapped my head around. She wasn't here. She's gone. I wasn't being forced to suffocate underwater by my mom.

    The 'thank you' on my tongue died out when I looked to the man who had awoken me. Despite the darkness, North's red eyes peered into mine with fury. His hand cupped his nose.

    "Did-did I do that? I am so, so sorry. Please forgive me."

    He growled, an inhuman sound, "What the hell, Sang?"

    I pulled my legs up to my body, shaking. "I'm sorry, North. Truly. I didn't mean to."

    "You were fucking whimpering and then you stopped fucking breathing. Then you wake up and nearly break my damn nose," He grunted.

    "I'm sorry I bothered you. I promise I'll be quiet next time. You won't even know I'm here. I don't usually make noise anyway. I don't know what happened. Please, I'm sorry."

    "Stop apologizing," He hissed.

    I burrowed my head behind my legs and couldn't help the small apology that fell from my mouth.

    He grunted and got up, walking away. Was that it? He hadn't even hurt me. If anything, I hurt him. Maybe he was waiting, letting it all build up.

    Sensing him coming near me, I peeked from my hidey hole. His hands were clenched, a white rag in between one of them.

    Oh God, he's going to gag me. Mom never wanted to hear my noises either.

    Unable to help myself, I crawled backward until my back met the headboard. It was a stupid mistake, moving away, and I knew I'd regret it in the near future. He would see it as fighting back. Mom always did.

    I begged to him in mind, praying he could hear it. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to move away. I'm not fighting back, I swear. Please forgive me.

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