Chapter Thirteen

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I forgot to say this in the last chapter but all foreign languages used are from Google Translate so I'm sorry if the words are not correct.

I stretched, my arms reaching high above me and my back arching. The slight pang in my head had yesterday's events slamming into me.

After the terrible mental invasion that caused me to practically pass out, I woke up a few hours later. Dr. Sean and Victor both stayed the entire time just as I had asked them to, though I don't remember doing so. Still, tears stung my sinus' at someone caring for me like that.

Dr. Sean had me slowly eat some vegetable soup Luke had made me. I was surprised at the lack of sweets. Dr. Sean then informed me North had also been present.

Once finished, we had a talk about what happened. I don't remember much of it, to be honest. All I knew was one moment Victor was teaching me piano, the next I was in blinding pain. He told me some basics like how I got to Dr. Sean's room but left a lot of stuff out. Much to my disappointment and irritation, he told me he was going to allow Mr. Blackbourne to explain everything to me.

Mr. Blackbourne didn't, though. In fact, I hadn't seen him at all. After Dr. Sean told me all he was willing, Victor left. He had some kind of job to do at 2 but pushed it back because he stayed with me until around 5. Dr. Sean, on the other hand, brought me to Kota's bedroom and told me to get more sleep.

He still wouldn't explain what happened but he did tell me that it had taken a toll on my mind. I needed extensive rest, especially since they had some kind of surprise for me the next day. For some reason, I didn't get the idea that this surprise was going to be fun.

A body stirred behind me, the arm I only just realized was there tightening. I blushed, my entire body giving off heat. Kota was cuddling me. I knew we had done it in the past but it was somehow different now. Maybe it was because I was actually awake and able to focus on him.

His hand clenched against my stomach, rubbing back and forth lightly. He buried his head in my hair.

His voice came out rasps that did something funny to my stomach, "Good morning, Sang."

My voice was smaller than I liked, "Good morning, Kota."

He sighed, bending my right arm so that it was level with his face. Soft lips pressed into each finger. My breath caught. He was kissing me.

Since I was laying on my left side, he simply tapped his finger across the left fingers. Was he counting them?

"What are you doing?"

"Counting your fingers."

My brows furrowed slightly, "Why?"

He took so long to answer I thought he wasn't going to. He sighed, "Counting helps me. When I'm worried or mad or sometimes even happy I tend to count. It calms me down. You... gosh, Sang, I feel like something happens to you every day that gives me a heart attack. I need to know you're safe with me. Counting to assure you're all in one piece does that for me."

It was hard to breathe. He worried about me? Even counted my fingers to make sure I was still whole. A tear slid down my cheek, my breathing turning labored. No one had ever felt that way about me. Before they either wanted me in pieces or they simply ignored me. Neither was good. But Kota, his heart was so full and somehow I managed to receive some of his love.

"Why are you crying, Sweetie?"

I shook my head. I didn't want to tell him how much that meant to me, how alone I was after he left.

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