"Idiot rich man," one of the men scoffed.

"That they are," the other one scoffed as they dragged me away from the water as I tried to wriggle out of their hold.

"Let me go!" I yelled being pulled far way from water. I didn't have the right to live not after everything I had done.

"Shut up, Asshole!" he screamed as he let go of my hands and stood in front of me. It was someone from the resort.

"Do you really think that ending your life would make things better!" he yelled at me as I looked up at him. He was a middle-aged man. The second one joined him who was younger than him. Maybe his son because they looked so much alike.

Did my child would have had the same looks as me? Would he had looked like me or Serilda? Would it have been a boy or girl?

The questions bombarded my mind making me scream in frustration in pain.

I had lost it all.

"I deserve it! I deserve death." I screamed as those two stood in front of me.

"Oh come on!" the younger one scoffed. "Death is nothing but a fucking easy way out. It is a fucking permanent solution to your temporary problem. There is nothing big enough in this world to make you kill your ownself," he yelled at me.

"You don't know anything,"

"Oh boy we know enough. We had been working our asses of to make that bitches wedding happen. We have eyes and a mind. We truly had seen what else has been happening in here and to that woman who is your wife till now, and God knows why had she been with you for so long! Do you really think that killing yourself would be some kind of fucking justice to her? No, it wouldn't be. Let me tell you that you are nothing but a weak man. A fucking weak human and not even a damn man because if you really had been a man enough you wouldn't have tried to end your life like that. You wife doesn't deserve to carry the guilt of your death for the rest of your life. She doesn't deserve to be looked down upon by this society and surely, she didn't deserve any of the shit she went through but she did. Now hear me if you are really guilty and man enough than you would fucking get up and live with this regret because only then you could show the world that you are really sorry because let me tell you that you killing yourself would not help anyone but only be a problem for your wife. If you really want to tell your wife that you are sorry than stand up and beg her, live to prove it enough that you are guilty and for once in life treat that woman right. Because no fucking woman would stay with you after what you had done if she didn't love you!" the older one told me with anger in his voice.

"She doesn't deserve a man like you but someone better than you. So, for fucking sake get her forgiveness and try to be a better man. Respect her, respect her choices and fucking live to at least bear an ounce of the pain she had gone through because it is the only way you can redeem yourself and if you can't do that then you don't even deserve death," he continued making me nothing but shameful of my own self.

"Get up and go to your wife before we have to trouble her by calling her here to pick your sorry ass up," the younger one said.

Standing up on my own two feet I pushed myself to get under the angry eyes of the men who had knocked some sense into me. I didn't look at them but turned around and walked aimlessly. My feet were heavy as I was being pushed down by the guilt and remorse of my sins. Everything was becoming harder for me, even breathing.

I didn't have the courage to go and seek for Serilda. I haven't just wronged her I had destroyed her, broken her and raped her. I was ripping myself apart from the inside by remembering again and again what I had done. Burning myself in agony from the inside. I wanted to break these hands that have abused her, lose the mind that had find ways to hurt her and kill myself for the man who had raped her. How could I have done something so harsh? How could my love destroy people?

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