Asked For It (Danti)

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A/N: HOLY FUCK, DID I ACTUALLY WRITE A FIC IT'S A MIRACLE!! I'm sorry for not posting, and I was originally going to put this chapter in my Random book, but I figured why not?

On another note, I don't ship Dark and Anti anymore, but I still think they're good friends! ^-^ This is based on "the best part is that you asked for it."

Anti landed on his back on the carpet with a cry of surprise as Dark caught up to him. The glitch squirmed underneath the bigger ego, but Dark managed to pin Anti down with his arms above his head and straddling his thighs within a matter of seconds. Anti knew he had brought his upon himself, but he couldn't bring himself to care as he kicked and thrashed in Dark's hold.

"Get off, dammit!" He said loudly, wincing at the decipherable excitement in his tone. "I don't want it!" That was a lie. Of course he did.

Dark didn't respond, instead choosing to wiggle his fingers above Anti's stomach, which was only covered by a thin black tank top. Anti shuddered, biting his lip with pointed teeth.

"D-Dark! Juhust get on with ihihit!" Anti giggled, not even angry at himself for breaking so quickly. Dark smirked.

"You know what I'm going to do?" He cooed, the voice making Anti's giggles rise.

Anti grinned. "Whahat?"

"I'm going to tickle you," Dark breathed, making Anti squeak. "I'm going to wiggle my fingers right into that sensitive side of yours, and then I'm going to scratch underneath your arms and drum my fingers on that cute tummy."

Anti's face was dark, dark green, and he stammered and giggled for a response.

"Oh yes, it's going to be so much fun slowly breaking you into little giggling pieces," Dark went on, his grin growing more and more wicked with every word. "And do you know what the best part is?"

Anti's voice shook as he spoke. "Wh-What?..."

Dark leaned down, nearly nose to nose with his friend, and murmured,

"You asked for it."

Anti suddenly shrieked as Dark dug his fingers into his right side. The glitch squirmed and bucked, laughing heartily, as Dark danced his fingers up and down his side, finding every little place that made him shriek and squeal. Dark, of course, was having a grand time watching his usually-controlled friend fall to pieces under his fingers. 

"DAHAHAHAHARK PLEHEHEHEHEASE!" Shrieked Anti, yanking at his arms in an attempt to get free. Dark just held his wrists tighter, making the ticklish vibrations on Anti's side lighter and even more unbearable.

"Dark please what? Dark please tickle you more?" Dark chuckled, letting his fingers wander up to Anti's underarms. The latter snorted, rather adorably, Dark would say, and squirmed, his laughter going up an octave or two.


"Nah," Dark said simply. "You'd just try to avenge yourself, leading me to have to tickle you more." The usually-stoic alter-ego was grinning like a madman, finding the whole ordeal very amusing. "You were the one who kept bothering me during my work. It's obvious how badly you want this, idiot."

"PLEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE IHIHIHIHIHIT'S SOHOHOHOHOHO BAHAHAHAHAAAAAD!" Screeched Anti, his whole face and ears glowing with embarrassment. 

Dark chuckled, his eyes glittering with amusement. "It's supposed to be bad, Anti."

After a couple of minutes, Dark slowed his fingers, allowing Anti to breathe. The latter sent Dark a heatless glare, and Dark just grinned. 

"One more thing before we're done," said Dark after about fifteen seconds. Anti's eyes widened and he immediately started to struggle again.

"Nonononononono don't do it please daRK PLEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHA!" Anti's strangled reply was lost when Dark leaned over and blew a monstrous raspberry on Anti's tummy,  making the glitch screech and explode into loud, joyous laughter.

"Om nom nom nom, little Anti! I could just eat you right up!" Growled Dark playfully, nipping gently at Anti's stomach and making the latter kick and howl with laughter.

"NAHAHAHAHAHAHOHOHOHOHO!" Cried Anti, tears of pure mirth dripping down his green face.

Dark took this as his signal to stop, raising his hands and letting go of the smaller boy, who curled up in a giggling ball the second Dark was off him.

"Thahahat wahahas cruhuhuel," giggled Anti, his sides still tingling from the torture.

Dark grinned. "Not my fault you're so ticklish."

The word made electric jolts fizz in Anti's chest, and his giggles increased.

"How can such a little boy have so many giggles inside him?" Dark teased, making Anti blush.

"How can such a swellheaded poopy pants have so much meanness inside him?" Retorted Anti, knowing it made no sense but caring little nonetheless.

Dark growled. "Oh, you're getting it!"

Anti shrieked with joy and scrambled to his feet, running quickly out of the room with Dark chasing. 

Anti knew he was screwed, but he really couldn't bring himself to give a damn.

After all, he really had asked for it.

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