We've Had Enough (i)

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A/N thank you @septiplieris4life for the suggestion! I decided to hold off on this one until Halloween since it kinda fits, sorry for the wait!

"How dare he?"

Anti, Jack, and Mark were huddled in Mark's bedroom, talking. Dark had been tickle ambushing all of them for the past week, and they were sick of it.

"He's such a dickbag!"

"Hey, careful what you say, ya bastard, he's my boyfriend." 

"Sorry, Anti."

"What are we gonna do?" Asked Jack, rubbing his arm nervously as if he expected Dark to jump out of the closet.

"One of us could go as bait, and the other two could grab him and pin him so the third person can attack him!" Suggested Mark.

"Lame. I suggest we knock him out and tie him to this bed." Anti patted Mark's bed, "and we can all have a hack at him!"

"Violent!" Exclaimed Jack.

"It might work, Jack," argued Mark.

"Your on HIS side?" 

"I'm just saying it's a good idea!" 

"Fine! We can try it, but if it doesn't work I'm gonna say 'I told you so!'"

---MEANWHILE (because I caaaan)---

Dark was sitting at his desk, playing FNAF 4.

"Dammit, Chica..." he muttered, furious but keeping his temper so not to disturb his boyfriend and their alternates.


He groaned as Anti's voice drifted through the crack in the door. He stood up and walked towards the door and opened it.

"Wha-" he didn't get a chance to finish before something hard slammed down on his head and he toppled to the floor.

"You get him?" A half muted voice processed.


"Pick him up."

Dark went limp as someone picked him up and slung him over their shoulder and carried him somewhere. The last thing he heard before blacking out scared him:

"He's really gonna get it now..."


Dark stirred; his head throbbed, but when he reached to touch it he realized he couldn't move. He blinked and the world slowly blurred into focus.

His wrists were handcuffed to the bedposts. His ankles were in the same predicament. Two dreadfully recognizable heads of green hair stood on either side of him, one lighter, one darker; one head of red hair was on the far side near his ankles.

"What the hell is goin on here?" He said gruffly, tugging at the bonds.

"We're here for revenge, idiot." That was Anti.

Mark and Jack, clearly the other two, nodded.

And with a smirk from Anti, they pounced.

Dark shrieked and burst into loud giggling as the three started poking, prodding, pinching, kneading, scratching, and spidering over his sides and thighs.

"Stahahahahap!" Dark shut his eyes tightly and bit his lip to keep from laughing. He managed to keep the spastic convulsions inside his chest until Anti shot to his underarms and skittered his fingers across them.

"NOHOHOHOHO!" He shrieked, yanking at his bonds, but they didn't budge.

He would have to endure it.

But when Mark started scratching at his sole, he lost it. He squirmed and kicked and writhed, all the while laughing his lungs out, eyes still closed.

"Damn, Dark, the neighbors can probably hear you," Anti complained, now kneading his side with one hand and scratching at his underarm with the other hand.

"People in CHINA can probably hear him," replied Mark, holding back Dark's toes to tickle under them.

"Is Dark a wee bit TICKLISH?" Teased Jack, rapping his fingers on Dark's other side and smirking.

"ShUHUHUT THEHE FUHUHUCK UHUHUHUHAHAHAH-" Dark didn't get a chance to finish his sentence because Anti had chosen that moment to blow a raspberry on his side, making him shriek.

"AHAHAHAHA- NAHAHAHA STAHAHAHA-" he was unable to finish his sentence due to the tears of mirth pouring down his face. He shrieked, snorted, screamed, squealed, and laughed until his voice went quiet.

"Guys, stop," Anti said, and Mark and Jack stopped and stepped back, staring at the mess of giggles that was Dark.

"Ihihihi hahahate yohou guhuhuys," he managed to say.

"Mission: Revenge accomplished," said Jack triumphantly, and the three high fived.

"I'll undo the handcuffs," offered Mark.

"Do that. He's too tired to do anything."

Mark obliged, unclipping the handcuffs around Dark's ankles and wrists. His alternate instantly curled into a ball, still giggling.

Mark stared. He had never seen his alternate this happy or this tired.

"Mark, let's go," whispered Jack from the door. Mark snapped out of his trance and walked away, not hearing what Dark whispered to himself:

"They're SO gonna get it now."

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