I Can't Believe It (Darkstache)

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Summary: Dark ends up being ticklish after all.

Platonic Darkstache

"Dark, pleeeease," whined Warfstache, glancing up at Dark. The shorter man was sitting next to his friend, who was working on some important documents on his computer. The light from the electronic outlined a scar on Dark's cheek and made his eyes seem brighter, and less sunken than usual.

"You know I am busy, Warfstache," replied Dark smoothly, stopping for a moment to look down at Warfstache. "I will do something with you another time. Go ask Anti."

"Anti sent me to you," Warfstache retorted, crossing his arms. "Don't make me force you."

Dark chuckled, rolling his eyes. "Good luck with that."

Warfstache blinked at Dark's chuckle. A thought crossed his mind: he had never heard Dark laugh before. No matter what any ego did, there was always nothing. The most they ever got was a smile.

"Hey Dark?" Warfstache asked casually as another thought came to him. A genius thought. He fought back a mischievous smile as Dark turned again to look at him. 


"Mark's ticklish, yes?"

This question made Dark tense up a little, but he relaxed quickly, hoping Warfstache hadn't noticed. "Yes. Why?"

Warfstache felt a smirk growing on his face. "And you are, per say... part of Mark, correct?"

Dark felt his heart start to race. "Y-yes..."

"So..." without warning Warfstache reached out and poked Dark in the side, causing him to yelp and jump.

"Warfstache." Dark's voice was cold, though his eyes shone with fear. "Don't. You. Dare."

"That's never stopped me before," replied Warfstache cheekily, hesitating a moment before grabbing Dark's left forearm and yanking him to the floor. Dark let out a shout of surprise as he tumbled onto the carpet. Warfstache crawled on top of him and straddled his hips, pinning Dark's wrists above his head.

"Let go of me this INSTANT! I will ANNIHILATE YOU- EEK!" Dark squealed, that's right, squealed, when Warfstache skittered his fingers across Dark's stomach.

Warfstache smirked. This was going to be more fun than he thought.

He slowly started walking his fingers up Dark's side, making the latter stiffen and bite his lip.

"W-Warfstache," he growled, fighting back laughter, "stop th-this now."

"Nah. This is fun, watching you try to keep your composture." Warfstache grinned, moving his fingers faster and faster until Dark could barely take it. He twisted and squirmed, trying his absolute best to hold back his laughter, but damn, it tickled so bad...

Suddenly Warfstache's fingers were at his neck, fluttering and spidering. Dark snorted and immediately burst into loud, squeaky laughter.

Warfstache's eyes widened, and he smiled brightly. "There it is!"

Dark blushed fiercely, his cold blue eyes filled with both laughter and loathing as they narrowed at Warfstache.

"Tickle tickle tickle, Darky," teased Warfstache, making Dark's blazing face light up even more as it turned a pretty shade of scarlet.

"STOHOHOHOHOHOP IHIHIHIHIHT!" Dark tried to sound threatening, but it's kind of hard to do that when you're having laughter forced up your throat. "IHIHIHIHIHI'LL GEHEHEHEHET YOHOHOHOU FOHOHOHOR THIHIHIHIHIS!"

Warfstache just smirked. "Oh, I know. But this is SO worth it.~"

Dark struggled, but Warfstache was surprisingly strong for his height and had no trouble keeping Dark down. That is, except for the wild buck Dark gave along with a shriek when Warfstache drilled his thumbs into Dark's hips.

A few minutes later, Warfstache ceased his attack on Dark, who immediately pushed him off weakly and sat up.

"I'm going to kill you," Dark growled, his cold gaze flitting over to his friend.

Warfstache grinned cheekily. "I'll always remember this."

"Not if I tickle you hard enough."

Warfstache scrambled to his feet and ran, followed quickly by Dark.

Long story short, Warfstache forgot about Dark's sensitivity.

That is, until he accidentally nudged the darker ego in the side to get his attention six days later.

I had fun with this one! Sorry it's short (again) but i don't have much creativity atm, so sorry about that.

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