Help Me... (A/N)

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I'm so sorry for not uploading anything...

I'm just going through some emotional baggage shit right now, and it feels like there's constantly tears staining my face.

I've been reminiscing about my friends from school lately, and it hurts so much that they're gone    I can physically feel it. My heart aches every time they cross my mind. I miss everything about them: their smiles, their hair, their voices, their utter caring for me. It's all gone now. I'll never be able to hear my friends talk with me and laugh with me and joke with me and mess around...

All I want at this point is for someone to tell me it's alright, and that I'll be fine. I just want someone to say something nice to me and make me feel better.

If any of you great people could do that....

I'm sure it would make my day.

I miss them.

I miss them so much.

YouTuber Tickle One-ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora