Sanders Side: I Want to Hear You Laugh

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A/N I finall know what Sanders Side is, and I wanted to try writing a fic! 

"You never really see Virgil smile, do you?" commented Roman, staring at the anxiety trait sitting on the couch moping.

"He certainly seems down all the time," agreed Logan. "He ceases to smile and or laugh much."

Patton nodded.

"We need to cheer him up," declared the morality trait determinedly. Roman grinned and rose up and down on his toes.

"Yes! We need to help the poor man!" He cheered.

Logan nodded slowly and thoughtfully. "It would indeed help him to smile at least once."

Roman needed no more encouragement, and neither did Morality: the two approached Virgil.

"Hi Virge!" Roman grinned.

Virgil gave no response, except for an eye roll.

"Come on, live a little!" encouraged Morality. "You never smile!"

Virgil grunted. "Duh. There's no point to being happy if we're all gonna die anyways."

Roman put his hands on his hips. "All the more reason, Anxiety! We want to have good memories to think about, don't we?"

The emo side shrugged. "Nah. I'm good."

Roman narrowed his eyes, then beckoned Logan and Patton to the other side of the room.

"We need a plan," he whispered. Logan and Patton nodded. 

"Do you have one?" Inquired Morality. Roman shook his head, then thought.

They delved into conversation and Virgil watched, sighing. 

He did want to smile. He wanted one smile and laugh and be happy. But he was anxiety. He was the one Thomas relied on for common sense, and a sense of what was safe and what was not. Virgil rested his head on his hand and stared at the floor.


Roman suddenly perked up.

"I have an idea!" He cried.

"SHHH! Virgil will hear you!" Logan whispered, pressing a finger to his lips. "What is your plan?"

Roman lowered his voice. "Thomas is ticklish, right?"

"Yes..." Patton stared at the creativity trait, confused.

"And if we're linked to him..." Roman went on, his grin widening.

Logan nodded, starting to smile too. "It would make logical sense that we would be too, if we are connected to him."

Patton was grinning now too, his eyes bright. "So...?" He nodded, prompting Roman to continue.

"We know Thomas's weak spots, so they should be effective against Virgil!" Roman went on, his voice growing higher but staying quiet. 

All three traits were grinning widely.

"But we shall try other things first, surely?" Prompted Logan. "We want to throw him off our trail, correct?"

Roman agreed. "Crack some dad jokes, Patton." The morality trait nodded happily.

"And Logan, just play along," Roman told Logan, and he nodded. "Sure," He said.

"I, on the other hand, shall sit next to Virgil and wait until the time is right," finished the creativity trait. 

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