Admitting It Is Harder Than Keeping It A Secret (i)

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A/N thanks to chocolateegss_666 for the idea!

Mark's POV

I always knew I was super fucking ticklish. Every time someone nudged me or poked me I'd jump or squeal, sometimes both! But I always made excuses to cover it up, like being on new meds that made me sensitive, or just generally jumpy that day, or in a giggly mood, or just the usual "nothing." Any time tickling came up in a conversation I'd excuse myself to the bathroom or to bed, if I was sleeping there.

I never admitted that I was ticklish. Not to anyone. I couldn't. 

Not even to Jack.


Why don't I just fucking tell him?! I thought angrily. It's not like he'd care!

"You look kinda pissed, Mark, what's up?" I jumped a bit as Jack's voice broke into my thoughts and I turned to look at him. His eyes were curious behind his glasses (yes in this au jack has glasses, I'll put out stuff about the au in my stream of consciousness).

"I-I'm okay."

"You sure?"

I nodded.

He said nothing, but turned back to the TV where we were watching Breaking Bad.

"U-um, actually, there was something I wanted to tell you," I said quietly.

He turned.


I took a deep breath. "I'm ti-"


"Pizza!" Said the Irishman excitedly, hopping up and going to the door.

I let out a big sigh of half relief, half frustration. "Why is it so hard to tell him?..." I muttered.

Jack's POV

I carefully took the hot pizza from the man, and with a quick thank you closed the door. I made my way carefully towards Mark. He took a box out of my hands and opened it.

I sat down next to him.

"This pizza is fresh, dude," muttered Mark, somehow done his first piece and shoving the second into his mouth.

"Not as fresh as my nips, bro!" I said jokingly, managing to muster a loud giggle from Mark.

It was beautiful when Mark laughed. It was happy, bubbly, and colourful. He didn't laugh much anymore. A few month after we got together he seemed much less happy, less enthusiastic to get up every morning, less willing to go outside. He even took a break from YouTube, which he hasn't done in his whole YouTube career.



"What happened?"

He almost choked on his pizza.

"What do you mean?"

"You seem so much less happy."

He hesitated.

"I'm alright."

"Tell me what's wrong," I said, poking him. He squeaked and covered his mouth in horror.

"Did I-" the realization dawned on me and a giant grin spread across my face.

"Don't tell me..." I reached out and spidered my fingers over his side and he burst into loud giggling.

"Dude, you're fucking ticklish?" I said in disbelief. He turned bright red and looked down.

"You do know what this means, right?" I said.

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