Hehe. This Flu is Killing Me...

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Hey guuyys!!!! I know I haven't posted in a looooong time and I'm so sorry. I am getting your guys requests I see them I just forget to write them down  so I will be doing that soon...once I am able to get out of bed.

Yeaaaaah ever since my birthday my niece and nephew (either or, I love them both but I'm going to strangle them) anyways one of them have me their flu during my birthday party cuz the next day I was hacking up my lungs and felt like I was dying.

Of course then there's midterms--RIGHT AROUND THE FRICKIN CORNER OF ALL WEEKS. It was the worst midterms ever!

I thought my brain was going to shut down.

I literally went to school in sweatpants and an oversized Kingdom Hearts hoodie, messy ass hair, looking and feeling like a total zombie but I just plowed through them. Then came home, cried, studied, took some NyQuil, and slept. :)!


I haven't been in school for three days, at times I'm so out of it, I barely have eaten cuz I feel nauseous af, (did I mention my period showed up too?) Literally these are not excuses they are REASONS.

I did see the new Dragonball movie Wednesday. Hehe. ThAT was an interesting story. Everyone was being jumped around from theater to theater since the system they had screwed shit up so my dad and I had to go through three theaters until we arrived to the right one.

There was a group of guys next to us that we're super nice and super cool (thank God its not that cringey weeabo kid I wanted to punch so bad he was setting off my anxiety and wouldn't shut up during the entire movie HEHEHEHE)

Well anyways I LOVED it! And I love Broly so much he's such a cutie!!!! Like, literally he is a cinnamon roll that looks like he can kill you and can kill you, but still he is a cute ass cinnamon roll you wanna guard with all of your existence.

And I got to see more Bardock...I like Bardock...;) 👌!

But yeah combined with midterms and having a fever of 102° that's why I haven't gotten to your guys requests. Also my dad hasn't taken me to the doctors since im just "recontaminating myself" 🙄!

Ugh. Well now you guys are updated. Well I have the moment before my fever comes back I'll be working on requests.

Love ya guys!!!!! ❤️😘!!!


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