Guilt Son Family & Reader

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Note: Hey guys! Yes, I know I should be working on requests and putting up the list but...right now I'm having a hard time.

A friend recently contacted me with a...problem he was not proud of and he needed reassurance from me.

I did and I promised him I would keep his secret to the grave just messed with my anxiety all last thinking and feeling guilty that I had possibly ruined my friends life.

No it's not dangerous or involves drugs or anything illegal its just...immoral I guess.

I contacted a different friend I heavily trusted and didn't use their name because of the promise but explained with only the important stuff what was going on and he said it was fine what I did but I still feel guilty.

I just needed to write something out to help me a little further and it definitely helped.

I'll start working on my Frost_Lover request after this so...two in one day maybe :)!


You felt fine the rest of the day after you had recieved the message from your friend.

Until night came.

That was when it struck you what you had done.

There was no damage being done and it clearly was their life, they made the choices, you just...swayed them in the wrong direction possibly.

All because you weren't truly thinking about what they were saying since you were busy at the time.

You felt so incredibly stupid.

You wished you could take back what you had said at the time.

But you weren't supossed to feel guilty, it wasn't your fault at all.

It wasn't illegal.

It wasn't dangerous.

Yet it was immoral.

You wanted to talk to someone about it but you had made a promise that you'd keep it to the grave.

You curled into a ball trying to tell your mind you can think about it in the morning.

Yet you tossed and turned.

You texted your friends for help sleeping but they could only stay awake for so long themselves.

You could feel this heaviness in your chest right where your heart was.


You curled up into a ball under your blanket feeling your eyes sting.

You cried yourself to sleep finally at one in the morning...

When you woke up your head hurt and you felt miserable. Nonetheless you got out of bed but only because of your stomach growling.

You walked down to the kitchen and sure enough your mother was cooking breakfast.

"Hey (Name)!" Your little brother greeted.

"Hey kiddo! I was getting worried about you." Your father said.

"Sorry I just had a long night." You muttered as you sat down on the dining room.

You held your head in your hands feeling your anxiety come back to haunt you.

Please...not right now...

"You okay kiddo?" Goku asked placing his hand on your back.

You nodded gathering your breath to evenly say, "Just a headache."

"Do you need some asprin?" Goku asked.

"I'm fine." You lied.

You squeezed your eyes shut feeling tears form in them.

"Do you need to talk?" Goku asked softly so only you and him could hear.

"I just need some time alone. I'm sorry..." You said shaking your head.

Keeping your head down you walked back into your bedroom and shut the door. You let out a shake breath which soon developed into hyperventilating.

You kept pacing well letting out sharp gasps, your legs were shakey but you felt like you needed to move.

Your hands were sweaty and shakey and you couldn't stop yourself from crying.

You felt like the room was crushing you.

You had no reason to feel guilty but yet you did!





Goku entered your room and frowned with concern seeing you look like a disaster.


Goku walked over to you and grabbed your shoulders as you babbled clutching your head.

"(Name)-(Name) look at me," He said sternly.

You looked into his eyes that showed concern and fatherly love.

You were unable to speak.

"(Name) slower okay...what happened?"

Your face scrunched up as you shook your head.

"I...I can't...I made a promise that I swore to keep to the grave." You shook your head sobbing.

"You don't have to include a name. Just tell me what they did that is upsetting you."

"It's nothing you need to worry about dad..."

"(Name). This is serious if you're like this. Please..."

You finally broke down and explained as much as you could with only basic plot and no names.

At the end you pressed your face into his shoulder as Goku tried to understand everything.

"It's okay kiddo, you are not guilty of anything nor should you feel guilty at all. It's their choice, not yours. Just because you supported their decision blindly, doesn't mean you should feel guilty. I mean it's a bit strange are not involved and don't get involved okay?"

You nodded and hugged him tighter.

After a few minutes you were able to calm down and return to breakfast.

When Chi-Chi asked what happened Goku told her your anxiety was just acting up.

You smiled at your father and calmly ate breakfast feeling so much more better now.

"Hey (Name), you wanna go training with Whis?" Goku asked once you both were done.

"Hell yeah!" You answered standing up.

Chi-Chi started yelling at Goku but you ignored it as you ran upstairs with a smile on your face.

A huge weight had been lifted off your shoulders......

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