Pride Toppo & Saiyan!Teen! Son!Reader

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Requester: Saber1616

Note: HEY GUYS! Yes, I am working on requests again. I'm sorry Shippersgonnaship3 and anyone who wanted the Child!Jiren x Child!Reader NO I AM NOT CANCELLING IT! Your request is just special in both a good and bad way. 

As always I have serious writer's block when it comes to Jiren and I'm gonna continue to work on it but it's gonna take a while to post it since writer's block is always hard to overcome. 



To say you were scared was an understatement. 

You were terrified of being in the Tournament of Power, but you had wanted to prove to your father Toppo you were worthy enough to be called his son. You weren't actually bonded by flesh and blood though, the Pride Troopers had found you as an infant during one of their missions. 

Toppo wanted justice on your parents for leaving an innocent infant behind, but they couldn't track down any blood relatives. Toppo was going to send you to an orphanage, but after you had smiled and adorably tugged on his mustache a couple times, he decided to adopt you. 

He fed you, bathed you, cuddled you, and loved you. 

All the pride troopers cared about you and considered you part of their family, even Jiren underneath all that muscle and frowning. 

Now here you were, in the middle of a war ground between every universe; your pulse pounding, your body tense, your eyes watching every movement to find a new enemy. You and your father had been separated from the beginning but you preferred this that way.  

So you could prove to yourself, to your father, to the pride troopers, to Lord Belmod, to the universe, and to Zeno that you were strong. 

That was one of your greatest weaknesses was your pride. 

You always thought that the reason why you were abandoned, was because you were weak. Especially when you were ten and had lost a fight with some punk who was challenging you. Your father told you he was upset you hadn't told him, but Jiren's comment had hit you the most. 

Jiren however, was deeply disappointed in you.   

"If you are going to decide to get into a battle at least win it." He had said. 

It shook you to your core and ever since then you've trained harder and harder proving yourself and everyone, you were strong. 

"Are you a saiyan from Universe 6 too?" A gruff voice spoke. 

You looked around until you spotted a short man* with spiky hair standing in front of you. You recognized him as Vegeta from Universe 7. There were three Saiyans from Universe 7 (so far one was out) and well, there were three from Universe 6. 

(A/N: Vegeta's gonna kill me for calling him short XD!)

The remaining Saiyans were you, Vegeta, and Goku. 

You got into a fighting stance and he chuckled, "So eager to lose I see?" 

"I-If anyone's gonna lose it's going to be you!" You said cursing your stutter. 

Your nerves were getting to you--there was so much pressure on you to win. The only ones left on your team was you, Toppo, Dypso, and Jiren. 

You were considered a high pawn in this game of life or death, and you weren't going to let your universe down. 

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