Prison Break!!! :D!!!! Dragonball x Reader

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Note: Yes. I know. This isn't a request. I'm super sorry I know I can't say sorry enough or I'm saying sorry too much and just. LITERALLY FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, and TODAY I HAVE HAD NO TIME TO WRITE! Friday was family night, Saturday my friends picked me up as soon as I woke up, had a party till midnight, went costume shopping all through Sunday with ten minutes left before a movie, dinner, then sleep. 

Annnnd today I am regretting it because I didn't get enough sleep and I am falling behind in my classes which stresses me out and then my anxiety acts up and EHHHH. I will try to work on my request tomorrow I don't know. I'm sorry. I also had a friend that had tried to commit suicide a few days ago, the third friend now and with everything else going on with my family it's pretty much turning into chaos right now. 

I will try though, I promise guys I will. 

I love you all and I hope this is somewhat filler for the hopefully short wait. This is from a while ago previously posted but I added it onto here so...yeah. 


"I'm so excited! I've never gone to another world before!" You squealed excitedly.

You currently flying through space in a line with Whis in the front, Lord Beerus, Goku, Supreme Kai, and then you. Despite your eagerness your heart was also pounding because you knew if you let go you'd instantly be a floating corpse in space.

You were crouched down behind Supreme Kai holding on tightly around his waist to prevent from falling since you were paranoid.

"It's not really different actually." Goku replied.

You ignored that comment anyways and continued to think about how beautiful the universe you were heading to must be.

"Whis? How much longer until the next world?" You whined.

"Only a couple minutes." The blue skinned man replied back.

"...Are we there yet?" You asked after a few seconds.


"...Are we there yet?"

"Don't start with that." Beerus growled.

You waited for several seconds before asking, "Are we there yet?"

"Still no." Whis sighed at your childishness.

"Goku control your daughter." Beerus more demanded than requested.

"Once she starts there's no way you can stop her." Goku sighed.

"Are we-"

"I will leave you in space if you finish that sentence!" Beerus barked.

"...-there yet?"

Beerus looked about ready to attack you but Whis announced, "We have arrived!"

He landed on the plant and you quickly let go looking around at the new world. There was floating islands everywhere covered in jungle like forests. There was several pure waterfalls and even a waterfall falling down three different islands.

It was so beautiful.

"Okay next time I need a vacation I'm asking Whis to bring me here." You said your eyes widening to take in all the details.

"The scenery is beautiful, but we have more important matters to attend to." Supreme Kai said.

You whined but followed the group to where a giant stone castle was that looked like it belonged in a movie. It had vines crawling up the front and plenty of tower wings going taller and more twisted and sort of magical looking going up.

Dragonball x Reader (PERMANENT HIATUS)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon