Nightmareish Drawings Jiren x Reader

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Note: This was requested by Shippersgonnaship3 and I'm sorry if it's crappy or the plot is a little different. If you are unsatisifed I can refund your request and instead make it how you want it to be. Also I'm surprised I made this in like two or three hours.

Taking a long ass nap helps I guess. Oh god I sound like Goku....






"Is anyone here? Jiren? Toppo? Anyone?"

Your eyes were wide as you frantically looked around the dark, wide open area surrounding you that had many pipes and wires and other technological stuff around you. Wires sparked occasionally in the distance but you couldn't tell how far since everything here echoed.

Underneath the sound of your pounding heart rate was dripping water that only made the atmosphere even more terrifying. You knew this dream--you have been having nightmares daily for at least three weeks now.

Each time you slept was different but each one left a deep mental scar into you that had caused you to stay awake as long as you can. It seemed you had accidentally fallen asleep again despite constantly drinking coffee and energy drinks or whatever claimed it would keep you awake.

The metal ground felt freezing cold against your bare feet and your thin t-shirt and flannel pajama pants didn't help keep you warm either. You heard the whistling of a cold breeze before you truly felt it brush past you causing a violent shiver to travel down your spine.

It actually hurt from how cold it was.

You tucked a lock behind your ear that flew into your face as you looked around unsure what to do or where to go. You took a hesitant step forward but quickly froze when the pat of your foot echoed questioning if it was you or something much worse.

You took another step forward and it once again echoed. You looked around for anything that seemed familiar to a human or creature or something but you honestly couldn't tell what was what. You took another few steps forward and this time, they didn't echo.

The sound of the dripping water became closer.

The hairs on your arm and neck tingled and stood straight upwards. Tears of fear collected in your eyes as a deep sinking feeling weighed in your gut. The footsteps echoed, but you hadn't move a step.

You were terrified thinking of what could happen if you didn't move, or maybe you should move?

You timed the steps with the creature so that when it moved you moved too. You honestly couldn't tell if you were walking towards it or away. Your heart was racing so fast you could feel it pound against your sternum like a jackhammer was jabbing at it underneath your skin.

Please tell me he's not...

You noticed a familiar figure and nearly threw up as you saw him.


He was held against a wall by metal straps that kept him hanging there, but he wasn't alive. There was no way he could be with a giant gash from his chest to stomach that...well. In a puddle of blood below him were his organs as well.

You were so lost to the sight in front of you that you had barely been listening to the sounds around you. You felt yourself falling until you felt a sharp pain on the back of your skull from hitting the cement ground so harshly.

Dragonball x Reader (PERMANENT HIATUS)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu