Birthday Headcanons

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Note: Hey guys! 

Guess what daay it iiiisssss! 

If you read the title yep! It's my birthday! 

Well...around this time.

 It's not today but it's in this week when I am going to be posting this so...

Yeah I decided why not make a Dragonball headcannon fic (since I already made a birthday fic with Killer Brownies) soooo I made this! 


-You wake up to Chi-Chi making you your favorite breakfast foods 

-Getting a tight hug from your father congratulating you and your brother whining about how he wished it was his birthday but still congratulate you

-Chi-Chi is the overprotective mom who would cry realizing she is letting yet another fledgling leave the nest. She smothers you in a tight hug and wails about how she'll miss her baby girl

-Goku does miss when you were tiny and he used to place you on his shoulders or play fairy princess with you (not that he can't do either) 

-Your birthday party is held at Bulma's home where everyone comes. 

-Like. Legit. Everyone. Even Cabba, Kale, and Caulifa of course. Champa and Vados just decided to show up for more human food

-You brought most of your friends too so you sat with them chatting a lot 

-Whis being the flamboyant angel he was joined in easily 

-Lot's of presents. Like. Enough to make a mountain out of. Mostly from Bulma 

-Beerus and Champa whining about how they wanted to try the birthday cake. Champa was sneaky and tried to steal it but Bulma caught him and after a good slap and scolding, scaring the living daylights out of the god of destruction, he ran back to Vados who only smirked

-Buffet table full of different foods you loved; macaroni and cheese*, meatballs, crab rangoon, little bite size pb&js,  chicken tenders, fries, chips, popcorn, deviled eggs, sushi, etc. 

*I accidentally spelled macaroni macarana in the first draft XD! 

-After plenty of food, Bulma would allow you to open gifts. You mostly got jewelry and clothes and other accessories or collectibles. God knows you can't have enough sarcastic pins and Funko pops 

-Finally, you got to cut your birthday cake which was a HUGE cake by the way

-Everyone surrounding your table sang happy birthday to you before you made a wish and blew out the candles (Even Vegeta sang but he sang quietly)

-Champa and Beerus were too busy fighting for the first piece of cake to realize you already got the first slice and several others

-They weren't disappointed when they got a slice. Neither were Whis and Vados 

-After you had a sleepover still at Bulmas 

-Watching Disney movies, comedies, or horror movies* 

*One time my friends and I decided to put on Barney's Great Adventure and there was so much nostalgia and cringe it was like watching a horror movie minus the blood and gore

-Pillow fight

-Random dancing at random times cuz why not?

-Stupid ass jokes that made everyone laugh 

-Only three made it past midnight including you 

-Waking up nearly laying on top of each other in awkward angles 

-Breakfast would not be a normal breakfast. Everyone knows you had a good sleepover when your eating cupcakes and cake and other sweets and junk food for breakfast

-Btw plain chips under hot milk chocolate fondue are SOOO good

-Watching children's tv shows and laughing at how stupid they are

-By noontime, everyone had to part but you definitely had an awesome birthday 

-You couldn't wait until next year :3!!!!

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