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Hey guys!

If your here that means that you're either requesting or reading out of fun.

Comment your request in the comment section below of this part 

Anyways here are the rules: 



-Baby!reader, child!reader, teen!reader, or the normal reader inserts 

-Neko!, Sad! Sayian!, Princess! Depressed! Goddess! whatever reader you want 

-Please put down your reader's personality (Ex: Snooty, happy and cheery but whenever she's mad she turns badass, she's badass until she get's hurt, optimistic despite being depressed, kind and gentle, etc.)

-Can do family & reader not just a specific character

-Bad guys too 

-Mention if you want reader to have specific powers

-Can do Mom!, Niece! or Daughter! Reader  

-Different body types are accepted

-Female character x female! reader, male character x male! reader, female character x male! reader, or male character x female! reader

-Reader can be ungendered, specifically female or male or trans depending on what you guys want 

-Angst or Fluff

-I can do any of the canon series (Z, Kai, GT, or Super) 




-Rape or sexual themes of any kind 

-Any of the non-canon games such as Xenoverse and Heroes


-Romantic pairing with over 10 + year difference (Ex: Vegeta x Teen! Reader or Goten x Adult! Reader)

Thank you!

Dragonball x Reader (PERMANENT HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now