Christmas with the Son Family Headcanons

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Note: Hey guys! I'm so excited it is so close to Christmas and I cannot WAIT! I'm just hoping and praying that a little magic will help to make it a white Christmas this year.

White Christmas or not it's still a good Christmas I guess.



-You're smart. You wait until midnight of Decemeber 1st to finally announce it's Christmas

-As soon as the clock struck midnight you ran around the house screaming "It's the Most Wonderful Time" with light up reindeer antlers, a wreath around your neck, and a loud hand bell

-Until Chi-Chi screamed at you



Whispering: "It's the most wonderful time of the year."

-Goku went out and brought back a huge tree

-Like. Big enough that even Goku couldn't get on his tip toes to reach the top--(much less Vegeta)--mOVING ON

-You and Goten brought up the heavy decorations well Chi-Chi did the lighter ones

-You first decorated the tree before anything else

-Goku somehow ended up getting tied up in the garland. Smh

-Chi-Chi crying motherly over the old ornaments of you and Goten when you were little

-By the time it came to the star Goku placed Goten on his shoulders to put on the star

-You, and Goten were in charge with decorating the living room, Goku was outside, well Chi-Chi did the kitchen

-Gel clings, snow flake wall clings, wreaths, Santas, penguins, candy canes, lights, snowflakes, poinsettias, candles, the whole shibang

-Chi-Chi hung Christmas towels and decorated the table with a holiday themed table runner, place mats, and center piece.

-Goku put up a lot of lights around the house easily

-Needed some help getting untangled from the lights...AGAIN

-Yaaaay awkward family Christmas photos

-Christmas shopping for your parents so so much more harder than it seems cuz Chi-Chi is very picky and then your father Goku is too easy it's difficult. Goten is easy though, he's a boy, just get him monster trucks

-Christmas songs on every radio

-Immeadiately changing the radio when Mariah Carrey comes on

-It's easy to control your brother in Decemeber cuz you can threaten to have Santa put him on the naughty list if he doesn't get you a drink or doesn't let you change the channel

-Christmas movies everyday

-You singing along with Goten since you know all the songs by heart

-Continuously singing the songs around the house well doing chores

-Maybe a little too loudly



-You: (OwO ) ~?

-Wrapping presents sucked

-Your back aches after a while and Goten's only use is to cut the tape since he is too young to wrap a present

-Sitting on Santa's lap at the mall. Goku tried also and nearly crushed him

-Master Roshi also dressed up as Santa and asked ladies to sit on his lap so he could grope them. Of course that didn't end too well

-Snow days are awesoooomeeee

-"Do you wanna build a snowman?" Goten asked.

"Hell yeah!"

-Mom would bundle up Goten so tight he'd look like a pint sized t-posing marshmellow with spikes

-As soon as you stepped out though, you were a good big sister and helped shed him of his many coats

-Snow angels, making a snow man, tasting the snowflakes, snow ball fights, are assured

-Thankfully the window was insurred when you threw a snow ball a bit too hard

-Afterwards for lunch your mother made grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup and hot chocolate with marshmellows

-Staring contests with the creepy animatronic singing Santa you have next to the tree

*Real quick my dad has this animatronic Santa he had since I was about 5-6 but this thing is SO FUCKING CREEPY.

LIKE it has a motion sensor that even if we turn it off it will still be set off a couple times. And it stares at me a lot like I swear it follows me around the room it is so god damn creepy. DX!

-Chi Chi doesn't let Goku participate in snowball fights after he created many holes in the house throwing snowballs

-Going over to big brother Gohans is always fun

-It was Pans first Christmas and her first time experiecing snow

-She even had a cute little tiny stocking that said Baby's First Christmas

-Gohan giving you the best presents and hugs cuz he's your big bro

-Finally Christmas Eve

-You bake chocolate chip cookies with Goten and leave out a glass of milk and carrots

-When Goten goes to bed you help your parents devour the cookies and carrots

-Srsly whoever thought of leaving cookies out for Santa had a very good idea

-Christmas morning comes and you are awakened by Goten crawling over you and jumping on your bed

-You both wake up your parents

-Run down the stairs to see soooo many presents

-You had to wait for Chi-Chi and Goku to wake up further before opening presents

-You got most of the stuff on your wishlist

-Goten was freaking out when he saw he had gotten a wooden sword (you had bought it)

-Chi-Chi got mad but allowed him to keep it

-You had to get dressed all fancy to go to Bulmas Christmas celebration

-At the Briefs residence their Christmas tree is huuuuuge. Like Griswalf HUGE

-So is the buffet for Christmas day

-Trunks and Goten like to brag about what they got

-Bulma buys you the expensive presents on your wishlist--this year a new computer and a console. Noice.

-Ham. Mashed potatoes. Cranberries. Holiday foods.

-Sooooo good

-Mostly cuz they are made by professional cooks

-After ham time as always came nap time

-A few days later it was New Years but that's another story....

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