Part Fifteen

Depuis le début

“I could…if I chose to.”

I stared at him. What did he want?

He leaned in, his hand against the wall above me, to my right. With his left hand, he gently touched my temple, as if trying to coax a solution out of me. “Think, Juvia. What would I want from you and your sister?”

Did the guy think I would…? My face twisted in revulsion. He laughed softly, as if he could read my thoughts. “No, not that. I need something more from you.”

What could he possibly want from us that we could give-

“I want… Fairy Tail.”

I pushed him back and took a step away, unable to tolerate his proximity for a moment longer. He wanted us to sell out the people who had rescued us, fed us, sheltered us!? The people who had done nothing but show us kindness?

He laughed again, circling me like a wolf about to devour a trembling, lone lamb. I ignored him, trying to figure out a solution, something else I might give him in exchange for Lucy and Levy. “Are they prisoners? Or guests?”

“Guests, for now. Lord Jose finds them fascinating. He says they showed up among the tombs two days ago. The taller one hit her head in her struggle with the Phantom Lord’s knights, and ever since, she has been speaking of a time ahead, that she ‘traveled through time.’ And,” he added, his eyes narrowing, “she remembers nothing of your 'home’ in Bellum.”

I stared at him, hard, glad that he seemed to think that she was slightly out of it- Wait a minute! Did he say that they arrived only two days ago? But we’ve been here a full week! “She …she must be terribly injured.” I said, it wasn’t hard to feign worry since I truly was worried. “Juvia must see her!”

“And you will. The price of your reunion is but this one task: You must find a weakness in Fairy Tail that my allies can utilize.”

“You intend to hand over Fairy Tail to Phantom Lord?” I said incredulously.

He grabbed my arm, sending shards of pain to my shoulder. “Keep your voice down,” he hissed. He looked out to the courtyard and then back to me. “If you want to be with your sisters again, you will help us gain access.”

“Every man in Fairy Tail will die defending it.”

“No,” he said dismissively. “No one’s ideals are as high as they believe. Life is too precious. They will surrender.”

I shook my head. “You do not know Fairy Tail very well then.”

“And you do not understand the intricacies of Fiore politics. Go, Juvia. Get your sisters and return to Bellum, if that is where you are truly from. Just be on your way and never look back. Leave Fiore to us.”

I considered his words. Maybe it was best for us to leave before we could mess things up even more. Erza and I had done enough damage to the upcoming marriages. Maybe I could somehow warn Gray in time, after we got Lucy and Levy back…somehow, some way, we had to find our way out again. Without selling out the good guys.

At least, all the way. “How will Juvia get word to you?”

A smile spread across his face and for the first time, I saw his white teeth, gleaming in the moonlight. “That’s a good girl. That’s a very good girl.” He leaned forward and pinched my right cheek between his thumb and forefinger. “I’ll come to you at Fairy Tail. They do not yet have just cause to decline me a measure of hospitality. Be certain you have what I need when I arrive.” and with that he turned around and strode off, his dark cape fluttering behind him.

Tomb Of Time And Destiny: A Fairy Tail FanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant