Jimin laughed after hearing what V said.

"And how would you kill him? Through stabbing? With the use of a gun? We know you aren't train to kill somone with merely human's capability. Remember, you are alreay a human. And I don't have to -- "

V rushed towards Jimin and grabbed his collar. He may had turn into a human being but his evil instincts, his demonic thoughts, and hellish attituted still remained in his blood.

"You don't have to remind me all the time, archangel. I already know."

Jimin pulled himself away from the raging human being and fixed his clothing.

He too looked angry from what V did. And so he raised his hand and came out his sword. He took a step forward. And another one until the tip of his sword was already before V's eyes.

"Careful with your actions, dear cousin. I don't have to remind you of how weak you are."

V just clenched his fists. Indeed, helpless.

"And being apologetic is still not part of your senses. What a shame."

V Morningstar changed his shirt and left Park Jimin inside his room.

He then saw Angel Rose sitting at the porch.

"Hey, Heavens?"

Angel Grace looked at V and immediately noticed the bruise he got from the university.

She looked surprised. That was the first time she saw V with a scratch. Except the wound he got because of her.

Angel Grace:
"I was out from school for a day and you almost got yourself killed?"

V smirked as he sat beside her.

"Stop overreacting. Do you worry on me that much?"

Angel Grace juat gave him a glare. Then she continued looking at the sky.

"I don't want you to think that I care about you and your activities but what were you up to and why did you ditch school today?"

Angel Grace raised her eyebrow. The way V said it, he obviously sounded like he cared.

Angel Grace:
"I had a fight with Officer Heavens and decided to go somewhere to vent down my anger."


Angel Grace:
"No no. We are not the same. You don't understand."

"What do I not understand? Clearly, you too hate your father."

Angel Grace looked at V.

Angel Grace:
"Why do you hate your father?"

V smirked.

"Why do YOU hate your father?"

Angel Grace sighed.

Angel Grace:
"I don't know. I guess after my mom died... I feel like I have to blame him for everything."

V nodded. He couldn't blame an angered heart. And he knew to himself that he was in no position to tell her things.

After all, he hated his father.

His thoughts of how ungrateful Angel Grace was and the rest of the humans race suddenly faded.

Becoming human and their rationality.

Angel Grace:
"What about you?"

"Simply because he is a devil."

Angel Grace shook his head in disbelief. Thus V didn't dwell on the conversation for much.

"I need a parent in school."

Angel Grace started laughing. She thought V spoke like a third grader.

Angel Grace:
"Is it because if the trouble you were in today?"

She pointed the bruises on V's face.

Angel Grace:
"Who's the lucky guy who touched Morningstar's delicate face?"

V clenched his fists as he remembered how helpless and weak he was compared to them.

"Jackson Wang and his group."

Angel Grace:
"Shit there were seven of them."

After hearing who, she wasn't even surprised. The group was known for brawling.

Angel Grace:
   "And you just let them beat you? Wow that's not the Morning that I know."

V sighed. Remembering what happened, he felt like his ego had been crashed. He wanted to take revenge. To kill those young boys who laid hands on him.

Is it right to feel pity on himself?

Angel Grace:
   "So I guess you have finally humbled yourself down."

V immediately stood as he was triggered from what Angel Grace said.

   "Heavens, you do know very well that humility isn't my thing."

He walked away from Angel Grace who was left in disbelief for the kind of pride V was showing.


The next morning, news about Jackson Wang beaten by V Morningstar was all over the university.

It was said that V happened to meet Jackson alone at the square and took his chance to take his revenge.

After all, he too was a devil.

Therefore, V was called at the Dean's office. He then submitted himself to the dean. He looked like he didn't care about the consequences of his actions.

He never did. All mattered to him was to satisfy his urge to rekindle himself from shame.

Dean Lim:
   "I know that you are a 'possible trouble' in this institution. But I didn't think that you'd actually be one."

V placed both of his feet on top of the dean's table as he sat comfortably on the chair and laughed.

If only the dean knew how he punished the previous students. If only the dean knew about Luke, Abraham, and those whom he wished to receive the torture they longed for.

The dean just sighed after telling V to sit properly but was just simply disrespected by the younger man.

Dean Lim:
   "I already talked to your father. He will be coming here to talk about your behaviour, V."

V shrugged his shoulders.

   "I already know. Mr. Heavens and I already discussed about it."

But the dean shook his head as he stood and set V's feet away from his table.

Dean Lim:
   "And by father, I meant Lucifer."

Father ~ Lucifer.




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