"Probably using sound waves to create a state of resonance," Nina agreed. "Definitely a sonic microfield manipulator."

"They're science geeks," Tish said, rolling her eyes at them. "I should have known. Got to get back to work now. I'll catch up with you later." The Doctor frowned when Martha's sister walked away.

"Science geek?" He asked. "What does that mean?"

"Means you're obsessively enthusiastic about it," Martha explained with a smile. The Doctor smiled widely at her explanation. He gently nudged Nina's ribs with his elbow, smiling at her. She couldn't help but smile at his reaction.

The Doctor and Nina were still discussing their obsession with science, and debating over the fact that the Doctor wanted to call themselves the Science Bros. Nina was strongly against it. As soon as he realized he had struck a nerve, he let it go, suggesting Geek Boys. She only laughed, shaking her head.

"Mum!" Martha's voice exclaimed, shifting their attention to her. Martha had spotted her mother and gave her a big hug. Her mother was taken aback by the sudden show of affection.

"Alright, what's the occasion?" Her mother asked, a small chuckle escaping her lips.

"What do you mean? I'm just pleased to see you, that's all," Martha tried.

"You saw me last night," her mother argued.

"I know, I just miss you. Looking good, Leo," she turned to her brother with a smirk. He scoffed.

"Yeah, if anyone asks me to fetch them a drink, I'll swing for him," Leo said. Nina immediately understood that Leo didn't like to wear ties.

"You disappeared last night," Martha's mother told her.

"I went home," Martha lied. It was a good lie, but her mother saw right through it.

"On your own?" She used the opportunity to get to know the two unknown people standing with her daughter.

"These are two friends of mine," Martha presented them. "Nina and the Doctor."

"Doctor what?" She asked. Nina cringed. The phrase just sounded.. wrong.

"Just the Doctor," she told her mother. "We've been doing some work together." Her mother raised her eyebrows.

"You alright, mate?" Leo said before his mother could say anything else. The Doctor smiled at him.

"It's lovely to meet you, Mrs. Jones," Nina told the woman. She seemed like a kind woman, a good mother who cared for her children, hence the interrogation. That was more than she could say about her own mother.

"It really is," the Doctor agreed. "Heard a lot about you."

"Have you? What have you heard then?" She asked him, her eyebrows raised.

"Oh, you know, that you're Martha's mother and," he tried to find something else. "Er, no, actually, that's about it. We haven't had much time to chat. You know, been busy."

"Busy?" She interrogated. "Doing what exactly?"

"Oh, you know," he trailed off. "Stuff." Nina wanted to rip her hair out at the scene unfolding in front of her. Thankfully, Professor Lazarus tapped on his champagne glass in the middle of the room to catch everyone's attention and the Doctor and Martha's mother stopped talking to each other.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am Professor Richard Lazarus and tonight I am going to perform a miracle. It is, I believe, the most important advance since Rutherford split the atom, the biggest leap since Armstrong stood on the moon," Lazarus spoke out loud. Nina sneaked her hand through the Doctor's arm, locking their arms together. She pulled him down to whisper something in his ear.

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