Page 29: Jungkook/Taehyung

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Jungkook's POV

The news says that they saw Taehyung and Yuju on the streets talking about their issue. Some recorded their conversation and that started the fire. Yuju just kept on talking about her true feelings and confessed what she feels for me. The once haters she had when they were starting out became her allies and felt guilty of hating her. She loses all her confidence because of them and now they are trying to gain it.

We didn't get to see Yuju that night since she spent the whole night with her parents. Family will give you the best comfort anyway. That's the last day we saw Yuju, when they spent their spare time with us.

Days are counted, their comeback was successful, our schedules are busy that we haven't spend more time to hang out. And I guess it's for the best since we all need some space to think. We need this to clear up out minds but the longer we let the situation last longer, the longer we are making it harder to ourselves.

"I made plans with the girls. Jungkook, fix it." I want to thank Namjoon hyung for being responsible for everything for us. I know what I needed to do.


My heart races when I saw her again. My eyes are stucked on her and I can't take my eyes off of her. The same thing goes to Taehyung. We all know how he missed that vocalist.

Since we didn't care about the last news and the news died down, the two had a proper closure, who cares what the others says now.

As if Yuju is walking down the isle, there I am, waiting at the end of it. I stand up from my place to extend my arms and guide her to the seat beside me but I stopped myself and sit back down. I clear my throat and look around to distract myself and stop myself from looking at her.

Jungkook, you've already made up your mind so execute what you know what's best. Don't hesitate to do it.

Everyone seems to be enjoying their time together. All I need is the right timing to ask for Yuju to come with me. I can't break her happiness right now since it's been a while since she look this happy. And it is also been a while since we all hang out. Taehyung look so happy and comfortable with Sowon again, not romantically but as friends and family.

Everything is in order. Everything seems fine. Everything is in right place. Except for one thing. The awkwardness between me and Yuju that is yet to be fixed.

"Jungkook/Yuju." We both said at the same time. We just chuckle about the small funny moment between us.

"Do you mind if I borrow a bit of your time?" I didn't ask her to be the first one to talk. I can't be shy about this one. I need to fix this once and for all.

"...Sure." She looks scared and hesitant at first but agreed to me. She smile all the same but her fear of what to happen next is still there, I know. I am also scared of what will her answer will be but if this to bring everything back to normal, even as a partner or not, I am willing to accept the risk.

The others understood us when we look at them and give us all the time we need for the talk. Without speaking, they all just smile at us and definitely knew what will happen next. Some may be expecting happy ending but one person knew that it won't.

Not every ending ends with what were expecting. Not everything ends with the way we want to but it is not our story to be told in this book. It may not be me nor Taehyung, but one thing is for sure, that she won't end up with me.

So do you know how things will end with our talk? You guess it right.

I will press the reset button and wishes everything will be back to the way they were but that won't be easy. I chose to reset what we have to regain back what had. The way is this talk we will be having right now.

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