Page 13: Taehyung

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Taehyung's POV

I slam myself on my bed and recall what happened earlier at the cafe. Yuna's first question left me confused. Her smiles and eyes can't hide her sadness at all. Her mind that is full of questions that I can't answer. Her ears that is always ready to listen to my answers but failed to hear som8e. Her mouth that wants to tell everything but failed to voice them all out.

I want to consult the others especially Namjoon hyung but he is a leader so I think he have lots on his hands. Adding my problem to his won't do any good, besides it is my problem. Guess I have no choice but ask Yoongi or Jungkook about it. Jimin and Hoseok can't be trusted with this kind of thing since they will probably laugh at me. Those guys can be trusted but not now. I really need some proper advice.

Yuna's expression earlier has left me wondering: Why is she showing an expression like that? She is looking at me but her stares are obviously passing through me. Her stares pierces through the guy in front of her. She chose to remain silent as I chose not to answer her first question. Her smiles tells me otherwise.

'What is this about Yuna?' I ask her with annoyance. Her eyes widen a bit noticing the annoyance in my voice but compose herself again with a bitter smile.

'I told you Taehyung, right? Answer me.' I was about to argue with but her phone saved me from saying regetting words. She look at the caller before answering it. She sigh then ended the call. She look at me for the last time before focusing on her food. 'I am tired. Sorry to ruin the mood. Let us just finish this food and call it a day.' After that, she didn't even glance at me. Her eyes focus outside the window or at the door.

She decline my offer of driving her back. Her eyes are holding back some tears but I can't afford to ask her because any minute, it will fall. She told me to go ahead for she had something to go to. She didn't tell me where. Even when talking, she is just looking straight and not looking into my eyes.

I insist that I will drive her back but she just walked away from me and disappear. I didn't bother following her because lots have already happened.

It isn't a happy reunion after months of not seeing each other. I wonder why I didn't go after her? Did she cry? Where did she go? I have lots of questions but what I regret is why I didn't follow her. I can't ask her after because I didn't answer her question.

I tried texting her and she replied. I thought she won't. Our messages seems fine but when I ask her if we can meet now so we can talk again, she decline, saying that she's tired and wants to rest. I know how tiring traveling is but I guess she doesn't to see me because of some reasons I know nothing of.

"How's the date?" Jungkook ask, sitting down at the edge of my edge. "With that expression, guess it didn't went well. What happen? Maybe I can help." Surely you can. I was about to look for you.

"Yuna is acting weird." I started.

"She is weird like you from the start. She is also strange if that is what'll you say next." My worries are starting to fade just by talking to this rival of mine. He maybe the youngest but he is good at comforting his hyungs.

"Whatever. Well, she started acting strange when they are promoting their new song." He removed his slippers and sat properly and listen to me intently.

"That was pretty recent."

"I know. So here's the thing. Our conversation is going well then I ask if there is something wrong with their leader..."

"Wait, Sowon?" I nod.

"Yeah. She texted me some weird messages last time telling me that I should tell her some goodluck before their comeback stage. I thought she sent it wrong but she complain why I didn't do it. See? Then I consulted Yuna about it earlier and admitted that she used their leader's phone and prank me." He looks at me with poker face then blink a few times.

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