Page 2: Taehyung

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Taehyung's POV

Her group members surrounded me as soon as they sees me. They lined up in front of me, I may be weird as they say but I am not stupid to not know what they want. They push each other just to face me, begging for an answer to where is their precious member. If we have a golden member which is our maknae, they also has theirs which is Yuju, who is not afraid to try everything. She can literally do more than you know.

"At my car, TALKING to her dad." I emphasize the word talking to give them a clue that their weird member is getting crazy inside my car but I don't think they get what I meant as they started to run away from me. They must've thought that it is normal for Yuju. Oh well.

"What is she actually doing?" Jungkook ask, the other person who know when that girl is lying and telling the truth.

"Doing some thinking. So what did you guys ordered?" I ask them and walk towards the reserved table for us.

If one has a concern for the other member, everyone of those girls becomes our concern as well. They are young, younger than us except Jungkook who is almost the same age as them. The oldest to them is just the same age as me. We treat each other like siblings, more like a family.

I can feel their gazes at me, wanting what happened to Yuju. They should have a clue especially our youngest who puts all her attention to that girl. I do too. Well can't blame him since that girl is so prone to accident for being weird and blank almost all of the time.

Yuju may think that the three other members are fragile but we all that she is. Why? She seems so prone with haters because she has so much talent to unleash which make others insecure. And she overthink almost everything, coming with the possible outcomes just to prevent brealing from her member which may result of her breaking. So the reason we all look out for her are these, at least some of it is these.

I just don't get why her member doesn't get her sometimes, even the other guys here. I mean she is so easy to understand when she remain quiet at the corner and you can clearly see how she thinks. She is so readable so what is it so hard to understand her?

"What's up?" Namjoon hyung ask me. I just answer her with smirk before answering with words.

"Namjoon hyung, you're smart. You'll know soon why. Heads up with our maknae. He is so worried." I tease Jungkook. This guy is so easy to read as well. He definitely like that golden girl like me but I can't just give her up just because he is younger than me, right?

"How about you?" He ask me, Namjoon hyung I mean.

"I fetch her. So I know her state and what's going on in her head." I proudly said.

"Tsk. I told you that I will fetch her instead." Jungkook retorted and grab a glass of juice and drink it all up. I grin at his reaction being jealous.

We are drinking alcohol but that was all in the past. It is fun drinking once in a while but when our CEO introduce his friend along with his group we just stop drinking. At least Jungkook and me sonce Yuju hates guy who drinks alcohol. She just watch all of us got drunk and got mad because she is the only who didn't got drunk. I think that girl is immune to liqours. Then she lectures us that we shouldn't be drinking too much if we can't handle ourselves. She even whisper the "I really hate guys that drinks alcohol" with me and Jungkook beside her so we stopped.

We know their group since our CEOs are close friends but didn't got the chance to meet them until the other company introduces them to us. We admire Yuju for her voice that competes with the veterans and even considered as one of the best main vocal of the new generation. And the way she executes her dance moves, though some won't agree with me telling that she lack with technical aspects and robotic moves, is really graceful. I think she can be put in their dance line for it. My opinion, no hard comments about it. We all have different opinion.

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