Page 21: Taehyung

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Taehyung's POV

I stood up and follow Jungkook and Yuju. I saw them at the staircase doodling at their phone. Why are they here? I thought they are going on their so called "date"? They are rather noisy while texting. Do they have to message the other because their conversation is that private? But no. You wouldn't be mad if you're doing that. Besides, they doesn't seem to care at their surroundings.

I slowly walk to them and peek at Jungkook's phone. They didn't even notice me since they are too busy playing with their phones. What the hell?!

"Yah! Jungkook, why are so weak at these kind of games? Feed. You're making the enemies stronger!" Yuju commented without looking around. Jungkook is dead right now in the game so he look at his left to where Yuju is before complaining.

"First, you made me your shield just to kill that hero. Second, I am sorry if I am not an addict and pro like you. I just recently started playing this game when you told me to play it with you." The game? Mobile legends. They are too focus at the game that they didn't notice me sitting beside Jungkook.

"Yah! Do I have to carry you in this game?" She complain.

"I said I'm sorry, right?"

I watched him as he play with her. Jungkook almost jump out of fright when he finally notices me. Yuju and I just laugh at his reaction. He just click his tongue at me but smile at her. Yah! He is definitely making a move. This is ridiculous! We just broke up and I plan on getting back to her but here he is. You kidding me?

"Yuju, he told me earlier that he wants to accompany you. I still have some things to do anyway so why not enjoy each other's company for a while?" Jungkook started to talk while standing. He just look at me then at Yuju then back at me. Okay, I take back what I said. We can really trust him.

"Is that so? Nah. I can manage on my own. Eunki said he can accompany me anyway if you're not free." She's obviously avoiding me. She stood up before smiling at me to remove the awkwardness around us.

"Eunki will accompany you instead of Taehyung if I don't come?" Yuju slowly nod while pouting and I swear it's one of the cutest thing in this world. "Taehyung, go inside. I think they are calling for you. Don't make them wait. Yuju and I will be going. Come on Yuju. No time to waste." I want to kill him in this very moment. But, I prefer him than that Eunki. I know Jungkook too well that he won't let any danger touch Yuju.

My eyes follow them as they walk towards his car. He open the door for her and gesture her to sit down. He is so sweet and gentle, unlike me. He is doing the things I didn't do to her. I can't dent the fact that I love her but it is also true that I am confuse. Confuse with my feelings to her and Sowon. Jerk, right? I even took her away from the right guy she's meant to be with because of my greediness. Right now, seeing them together makes me want to be more greedy. I want to take her away again.

I remember my talk with our youngest in the past. The moment where Yuju came after their Japan debut. We went on a date and had a misunderstanding. Jungkook, curious what happened with me and his crush, consulted me about our date. She ask the exact same question Yuju ask me that time.

What I think of Sowon?

Yuju's question is not directly about her but I can read between the lines. I can't answer her because I can't accept the truth. But I truthfully answered Jungkook.

"Jungkook, I admire her for so long. We had a mutual feelings and you all know that. I love her and I still do. But now, I don't know. I like Yuju." Is my answer that time. He just raises his eyebrow, scratch the back of his head and gave me a friendly advice.

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