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Seven woke up in the middle of the night on the floor, he stretched his arms and saw MC wrapped around him. 

"MC." He whispered he nudged her a bit. "MC, wake up."

"What..." She slowly raised up rubbing her eyes. 

"It's getting cramped up in here, wanna go outside?"

"Yeah," MC responded. "But we should be careful, don't want to wake Yoosung up.

The two quietly got up, they managed to get outside without making a sound.

"Did you get it?" Seven asked once they were outside.

"Yeah." MC held up a small plastic bag with a strand of hair in it. "Are you sure this will work?"

Seven sighed. "Hopefully, because I don't have any other idea."


Morning came, birds were chirping, crickets were cricketing, the author was clicking, they readers were reading, and the 4th wall was breaking...oops.

Blue woke up in the basement on a small bed. 

It was pretty hot down there so she took off her jacket and wrapped it around her waist, she walked upstairs which startled Mia.

"Oh! Blue!" Mia exclaimed. "You scared me, what were you doing down in the basement?"

"I was sleeping on the bed, I couldn't find nowhere else to go, so I just went down there."

"The bed?" Mia questioned.

"Yeah." Blue slowly nodded. "Well, the one you pull out of the couch."

Mia gasped. "H-How did you know?" She said softly.

Blue was confused as to what Mia was talking about, then she realized, she might have just exposed herself.

"A-Are you...her?" Mia asked, tears coming to her eyes, her eyes trailed down to the tattoo on her wrist. "I-Is it really...you?"

Mia slowly walked up to her. "Please, tell me the truth."

Blue sighed. "Yeah." She whispered. "It is."

Before Blue knew it, Mia quickly brought her into a hug. "I had a feeling it was you." She exclaimed. "Oh my... where on earth have you been!? Oh, I have so many questions for you! Why did you leave, I thought you were dead!! What kind of trouble have you gotten yourself into." Mia rambled on and on.

"Are you okay?" Blue asked Mia, who was trying to catch her breath.

"Yes..." She breathed out. "You know...Ophelia really missed you.."

When Mia said that, a small voice spoke. "Mommy.."

The two humans looked towards the stairs, they saw Ophelia holding her toy bunny.

Before anyone can speak, Ophelia ran up to Blue and grabbed her into a hug. "I knew it was you!!!" She yelled out.

Blue laughed. "Did you?"

"Well...."Ophelia trailed off. "Not really!! But I'm so glad I got to see you again!"

Blue smiled, a real smile

Blue [A Mystic Messenger Story]Where stories live. Discover now