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Everyone sat in Jumin's living room as the waited for him to return. 

"So, what exactly is the plan?" MC questioned. "I mean we can't just run in there and grab Saeran."

"First we have to find out where we are going," Jaehee answered. "And I'm not so sure if we should be trusting a stranger to lead us there." 

"Um...Jaehee." Yoosung mumbled, he pointed to Blue who was on the couch.

"I think she's sleeping." Seven said, he walked towards her, he was about to poke her cheek until she grabbed his wrist. "Don't. Even. Think About it." 

"Sorry!!!" He quickly ran over to MC, Blue raised up from the couch. "When is rich boy going to be done? I'm ready to go."

After she said that, Jumin cleared his throat, he was standing at his office door. "I am not a boy, I am a man, and it seems we will not be getting the contract until tomorrow, I just contacted my lawyer, he isn't able to bring it in today."

"So, does this mean this meeting is over with?" Jaehee asked. 

"I guess so," Jumin said.

As everyone left out the door, Blue was the last one to leave. 

Once she made it outside, she looked around for Vanderwood's car, she saw the brown vehicle, but Vanderwood wasn't in there.

She checked if it was unlocked, and unfortunately, it wasn't. 


On the way back to the house, Seven and MC sat in silence in the car, until she spoke up.

"Babe, I love you, and I trust your judgment, but I don't think we're making the right choice with this." 

Seven sighed. "I'm not sure myself, but right as of now, I'm willing to do anything to get my brother back."

"What about the girl?" MC questioned. "Like who is going to make sure she doesn't try anything." 

"I'll get Vanderwood to come with us, so he could watch over her."

"Fine." MC sighed. "I just hope we get this done and over with."


"Absolutely not!!!" 

"C'mon please!!!" Seven begged.

"There's no way I'm going to babysit some child!" 

"Hey!!" Blue exclaimed. "I'm not a child! I'm 19 for crying out loud." 

They ignored her and continued on. "C'mon please Ms. Vanderwood, I promise I'll make it up to you."

"Like what?" He frowned.

Seven thought for a while. "I'll turn in my work on time, and keep the place clean!" 

Vanderwood sighed. "Fine, but it better be on time, and not last minute!!"

"OH THANK YOU MS. VANDERWOOD!!!" Seven hugged Vanderwood. 

"Get the hell off of me!" He pushed Seven off of him causing the red dicked boy to pout.

"Aweee!! Your so mean." 

Seven cleared his throat and spoke with a serious voice. "Jumin has the contract ready, but even if you still sign it, do you promise not to betray us, or steal any information from the RFA." 

Blue shrugged. "If I do?"

Seven sighed. "I don't know." He said, honestly. "But I hope I wouldn't have to know."

"Look, I'll tell you this, if I do some shady shit, I give you my word to shoot me, and I never go against my word." She held her hand out for him to shake it. "Deal?"



"So, what now?" Yoosung asked. 

Blue had then signed the contract stating blah blah blah.

"Well now we need a plan, do you remember where the most active Mint Eye is?"

"Well if I'm remembering correctly, it's in Cheritz Town."

"Which one?"

Blue arched her eyebrow. "There's two?"

"Yes, there is one on the north and one on the south."

"Well this one is towards the South, it's like a city."

Everyone groaned.


"Is there one that's any closer!?" MC questioned. "That takes literally 6 days to get to."

"There's plenty, 70 to be exact remember? But that's the only active one."

"So how are we going to go about this?" Jaehee questioned. "I mean, shouldn't some of us stay back here in case something happens while you are away."

"Yeah." Seven thought for a while. "Okay, Jaehee and Jumin, you both could stay back, since you are in charge of the intelligence unit, and Yoosung since you have school and all."

"It's not like I want to go," Yoosung whined. "I can say I was sick!!"


"Please Seven."






"Oh for crying out loud!! Just let him come, you two going back and forth is aggravating!" Blue grumbled.

"Fine." Seven sighed.


"I actually have to stay back." Zen sighed. "I have a play that's coming up, and I really need practice."

"So, it's me, MC, Yoosung, and Blue." Seven stated. "Oh, and also, Vanderwood is coming."

"Can we make him wait in the cold like he did me for 3 freaking hours!!" Blue rolled her eyes.

"Would you blame him?" MC mumbled.

"We'll leave tomorrow."

Everyone went beyond their business.

"Yoosung." Seven called. ''A word, please?"

"Sure." Yoosung's cheery voice responded. 

(A/N: Did I really just stop it right there? Yes I did)


"Hey! Maid lady!" Blue called out once she entered Vanderwood house.

"Vanderwood glared. "That is not my name."

"I know." She shrugged. "What is your name to be exact?"

"Why do you want to know?" 

"Just curious."

"It's none of your business." 

"Wow, you try to actually be nice, and ya get shit." She mumbled.

"Whatever, I need to go get some clothes, I don't have any."

"Why are you telling me?"

"One, I don't know my way around this place, and two, I wasn't expecting to be here long, only for a day, I came here with nothing."

Vanderwood sighed. "Fine, get in the damn car."

Blue [A Mystic Messenger Story]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora