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"She suddenly stopped walking." Seven said, he looked down on tracker. 

"It looks like she's behind the building."


Seven and Vanderwood walked behind the building as the red dot started to come closer.

"707!" Vanderwood voice alerted Seven, he ran over to where he was and saw Blue on the ground. 

"Is she dead?" Seven asked.

Vanderwood felt for her pulse. "No, what the hell could have happened?"

Seven shrugged his shoulders. "We'll have to ask her when she wakes up, you think you can carry her back to the room?"

"That would look suspicious idiot." Vanderwood scolded. "They will think we did something."

"I'll go get MC, you take her to the car."

Vanderwood sighed, he picked up Blue and threw her over his shoulder. 


"Yoosung, MC, we have to go." Seven stated once he entered the room.

"Why, what happened?" MC asked. "Did you get the flash drive back?"

"No, not yet, I'll explain on the way, but we need to pack our stuff."

They started to pack their stuff when Yoosung asked. "Did you find Blue?"

"Yeah, she's with Vanderwood."

"Where was she going? Was she trying to escape?"

"I don't know when we found her she was unconscious." Seven grabbed MC and his bag. "You guys ready?" 


They headed downstairs as Seven continued. "We found her behind the building, there was also the other man who said he was a detective, but he had a tranquilizer dart on the side of his arm."

"Maybe Blue shot him with a tranquilizer gun?" Yoosung suggested.

"But we would have seen her with one." MC pointed out.

"We'll see when she wakes up." Seven said.

They made it outside and went towards their vehicle where Vanderwood was standing outside of his. "Your car door wasn't open so I just threw her in the back of mines."

Yoosung gasped. "Is she okay?"

"I didn't literally throw her." He grumbled.

"We should start driving," MC said. "Did you check for the flash drive."

"I checked, but it's not on her, I only found this." He threw a letter, and the small gun she had.

"She had a gun? Where did she keep it?" Seven held it up and accidentally pulled the trigger, it hit Yoosung. 

Yoosung fell with a thud.

MC screamed out. "Yoosung!!" While Vanderwood grumbled. "Idiot."

"Well, I see where the tranquilizer dart came from." Seven chuckled. "Cool."

"Saeyoung," MC warned. "Put the damn thing down." 

Seven hurried and threw it through Vanderwood window, when MC says his real name, she means business. "Sorry honey."

"Let's just go." They got in the car and started to drive off, Vanderwood glared and waited for Seven to come back.

While in the car Seven was driving and driving until...



It had been 10 hours of them driving, now they were currently stuck in traffic.

"What's in that letter?" MC asked, she picked up the piece of paper and read it out loud.

"Meet in Cheritz City with the flash drive, and we will dispose of the girl."

Seven frowned. "Who are they talking about?"

"Probably Blue, but who would have this much of a grudge against her to the point they want her dead?"

"I don't know." Seven sighed. "But we're going to find out."

Yoosung groaned in the back of the seat. "What happened? Where are we?"

"Oh hello, cutie Yoosung." Seven spoke in his cheerful voice. "I apologize, but I fucked you so hard you passed out."

This made Yoosungs face red. "SEVEN!!!!!!" He whined.

"Saeyoung!!" She smacked him on the shoulder. "OW! Babe~~~"

"Yoosung, Seven accidental shot you with a tranquilizer, that's what really had happened," MC spoke.

"my head hurts so bad." Yoosung groaned.


3 hours later, Seven was still driving, MC was asleep and Yoosung was looking out of the window.

"Yoosung." Seven spoke getting his attention. "Can I ask you something?"

"What is it Seven?"

"What's the real reason you wanted to come along? I know you said to miss school but I know there's something else."

Yoosung sighed. "I know the Rika I knew before then is still in there, she was special to me, and the thought of her being in that horrible place, it makes it hard for me to sleep, and I've never done anything special for her, it was always Rika doing something for me." A small tear rolled down his face. "I want to bring her home, and I'll do whatever it takes."

Seven was about to say something but was cut off by a beeping sound. "Crap, I forgot to fill up with gas." 

"W-What!?" Yoosung stuttured. "What are we going to do Seven!?"

"I'll keep driving, hopefully, we can find somewhere."

Seven kept on driving, something came into view. "Is that a cabin?" He turned right and it was indeed a cabin.

"Babe..." Seven gently shook MC.

She groaned a bit before raising her head up. "Seven?"

"I found a cabin we could sleep in, I'll have to get up in the morning and find a gas station."

She sighed. "Carry me." She said in a baby voice.

Seven chuckled. "Okay~"

He got out of the car, and went over by MC and opened the door, he turned around to allow her to jump on his back.

"Can I just stay in the car?" Yoosung questioned. "It smells like Honey Buddha in here."

"Sure." The red-haired boy said. "Just make sure to keep the doors  locked."

"Yay!" Yoosung cheered and laid back down in the car.

"So the bitch is awake." MC sneered as she saw Blue leaning against the car. "Thought you could escape huh?"

Blue scoffed. "Wasn't trying to, I was trying to find your stupid flash drive, which I did at first."

"What happened?" Seven questioned.

"When I found the flash drive some dude came behind me and put this stuff around my mouth, I guess he took the flash drive."

"Do you have any enemies?"

Blue arched her eyebrow. "Why?"

Seven handed her the note. "You had this note."

"It was from the guy." She said, she read over the note and stuttered. "I-I think I know this handwriting."


"My mother." 

Blue [A Mystic Messenger Story]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora