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"Woah, wait a minute," MC spoke. "Why would she want you dead?"

Blue thought for a bit. "I-I don't know, maybe I'm mistaken, she's in jail anyway."

"Then how could it be her then?" Seven questioned. 

"I never said it was her." Blue quickly dismissed the situation. "Can we just forget I even said anything?"

Blue walked into the cabin leaving the rest outside.

"What's her problem?" MC asked, Seven just shrugged. "We should get inside."


While inside the cabin, everyone was thinking about what they'll do next.

"So, what's our next step?" MC asked. "I'm pretty sure there's no gas station around here?"

"I'll go out in the morning and see." Seven rubbed his chin as if he was pulling on a beard. "I might be able to find a gas station."

"It's starting to get cold, maybe we should get Yoosung." 

"He'll be fine." Seven said. "My car automatically blocks the cold out, the same with the heat."

"So, what's the closest way to get to Cheritz City?" MC asked.

"You could go through Mystic Arena," Blue mumbled. "It's easier to Cheritz City, but it'll take about 4-6 hours, I can't remember."

"What do you mean, you can't remember?" MC asked. 

"I used to be apart of Mint Eye remember?" She showed them the tattoo on her wrist of the Mint Eye symbol. She realized, at that point, it might have been a huge mistake.

"But how do you know how long it takes from Mystic Arena to Cheritz City." Seven questioned.

Blue rolled her eyes. "That's where I was when I was little, now are you done with your little interrogation?"

"But we're going to need somewhere to stay," MC said. 

Vanderwood sighed. "I might know a place."

"Ms. Vanderwood!!!" Seven jumped on Vanderwood. "Thank you!!!!"

"Get off of me!" Vanderwood shoved Seven to the side.

"Why won't you accept my love?" Seven whined, he attempted to kiss Vanderwood on the cheek. "Move!"


-RFA Chat-

-707 has entered the chat-

707: HELLO

707: HELLO

707: HELL

707: HEL

707: HE

707: H


Jaehee: T-T please quit spamming the chat

Jumin: Oh great, I feel as now I should not talk about my dear Elizabeth the 3rd now that the cat abuser is here.


Zen: Good! Just by seeing her name makes me allergies act up

Zen: I need this face for my play tomorrow.

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