Chapter 3-- Monkey Business

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Anyways, I somehow got lost exploring the manor. Normally that wouldn't be a problem because usually I could just scream "ALFRED I IS LOST" and Alfred would be there in a second. But the issue at hand is that Alfred is on a vacation. I know weird. This man is so dedicated to his job, I'm surprised he decided to leave, especially with me being here unsupervised.

Yes, you read that correctly. UNSUPERVIZED. Who in their right mind would do that. I mean no offense to Alfred, but what was he thinking. I need attention and if I don't have it, I go crazy. Bruce isn't even here to stop me since he's been busy. Yesterday I went out and used one of Bruce's credit cards and bought like 50 toy monkeys and hung them around the manor. When Bruce came back, I hugged his leg and told him to give me love and attention, but he just went straight to bed and didn't even appreciate all the monkeys I hung up. I don't even think he noticed the ones I left in his room. So much for world's greatest detective.

This morning I made him breakfast and he only drank the coffee I made him. The AUDACITY. Honestly, you'd think after dealing with a couple of robins you'd learn how to be a good parent, but no. No wonder Dick is an attention whore and Tim is a sleep deprived coffee addict. What do I need to do to get Bruce to give me the attention I need? Last night, in January's freezing cold weather I went swimming in the pool for a couple hour to see if he'd tell me anything. And guess what happened? NADA. He just stared at me when I came in shivering and told me there's a closet with towels upstairs. Jessica wouldn't even let me go to sleep with my hair wet, much less go for a swim in 10-degree weather.

So back to the matter at hand, its been a couple hours and I swear I passed by the same painting twice. Why is this place so big? Also, I think there's something wrong, because the room temperature keeps changing from extremely hot to extremely cold. God why is it so cold? Why am I shivering this much? Oh, I'm starting to see double, lovely. I think I finally made it to the front of the house when everything went dark.






"...k...ou ok? god... burning up! ..... moment!"

"Ugh what happened?" I was in my bed, somehow. Did someone bring me here? I sat up, or at least tried before the pounding in my head sent me back down. The door to my room opened and in came Dick with a glass of water and pills. He also had a plastic bowl/cup that had the subway logo on it.

"Sorry kid, this is the quickest thing I could get. Eat this soup and then take the medicine." I looked at him and he looked worried as he put the thermometer in my mouth. He looked more worried when the thermometer read 103.2 F. He handed me the soup and waited for me to grab it. I just stared him and started going back to sleep. Ugh my head HURTS and I can't stop shivering. "No CORDELIA STAY WITH ME" I felt warm liquid enter my mouth. Mmm so good.... After being spoon-fed I took the medicine.

"Cordelia." He sounded serious. "Where's Alfred? Is Bruce still working? Why didn't you contact him or I?" God, he reminded me of Jessica the last time I got sick and I didn't say anything.

I cough and sneeze before saying, "Vacation. Busy. I don't have a phone with service." He looked at me with sadden eyes.

"How long have you been by yourself?"

"Alfred's been gone for three days, but even with him here it's pretty lonely. Bruce also hasn't given me attention." I shiver and snuggle into the covers. He frowns and keeps quiet. He stands up, but I grab his sleeve on reflex.

"Don't go..." I say weakly in a raspy voice. His mother mode seemed to have turned on because he immediately sat on the bed and snuggled me in his arms. If it weren't for the massive head-ache I'd probably make a comment about how amazingly built his pecs are. But for now, I'll just settle for enjoying the sweet, warm comforting embrace as I fall into sleep once again.





I woke up to the sound of yelling and looking over, Dick was no longer at my side. Hating the lonely feeling of my massive room, I head towards the source of the ruckus.

"...WRONG WITH YOU?" I round a corner and hid as I realize that Dick was yelling at Bruce who had just gotten back from work. I don't think I've ever seen Dick this angry.

"You think this is a joke? You've raised at least three of us and you've never left any one of us alone for such a long time. Judging by all these damn monkeys I can only assume she's been trying to get your attention. Have you even thought of what you've been doing? She's trying to fit in but you're isolating her. She already lost so much, what makes you think that leaving her all by herself is going to make things any better?"

"Dick I—"

"You what? Thought it was for the best? Who are you trying to protect? The child you adopted or your damn self because look at what happened when you turned your back on her. You've been neglecting her health and happiness and now she have a 103 degree FEVER! When I found her today she was passed out on the floor burning up--"

Bruce shoves some files in Dick's face.

"Birth certificate of Cordelia Hopper Wayne?" he looked up at Bruce and glared.

"I've been busy getting her papers so I can allow her to have a normal life. I can't exactly enroll her in school or let her go out if she doesn't exist." Bruce states as Dick begins to calm down. At this moment I decide to come into the picture by coughing to allow my presence to be known. I go up to Bruce and hug his leg. This time though, he kneels and hugs me back. Dick also joins in on the hug.

Finally, the attention I deserve.

Shit, I'm turning into an attention whore.

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