Chapter 2 - Aurora

Start from the beginning

That is the reason why HE was my first and last boyfriend and relationship, I now know that it's a pointless union, why you might ask? Simple, you see there are two different kinds of men, firstly, you get the fuckboy that's only after an orgasm and doesn't care which hole or whose hole he gets off on as long as it's easy or he'll love the chase of the difficult and hard to get woman. Secondly, there's the dangerous Assholes, he'll take your body, mind, heart and soul, he'll take everything. Then he'll use you, abuse you until you literally have nothing left, physically, mentally and emotionally and then he'll toss you aside like you're a bag of rubbish.

And unfortunately Dante as hot and charming as he is, he happens to fall under both categories, his a fuckboy, he loves the chase too and his fucking dangerous, definitely more than Dre could ever dream of being and it'll be like committing suicide if I ever fell for him, he could and would destroy me beyond repair and I cannot and WILL NOT let that happen.

You know the Saying "Behind every crazy woman, is the bastard man that made her so"? Well I'm living prove that the saying is actually true because I wasn't always the crazy, wild, selfish party animal I am now, I was actually more like Mel, outspoken, easy going but yet still sweet and innocent. But that all changed when I met Dre in high school. He was handsome for his age, well built, popular and let's not forget the most wanted boy in school, every girl would kill to be taken by him but not me though, I didn't fall over everytime I saw him, which made him notice me.

He chased after me, much like Dante has the past 5 years. He wouldn't give up either until I agreed to a date, which I did after a few months of his chasing. He made the date romantic, took me on his father's boat, and we had a picnic on the beach. He brought flowers and such and I gave him my innocence that night, I mean he went out of his way for our first date and when our kissing got heated, I ended up giving my virginity to him, on a fucking boat.

But I was young and stupid and I fell for his charm and I thought he meant it when he said that he fell in love with me. I believed him and I allowed him to "show me how much he loves me" for a few months after that night, he was amazing. We would spend every free minute at school together, spend EVERY weekend together, he would shower me with gifts, love letters and Jewelry. I never bothered asking where he got the money to spoil me so because I was young and stupid I was just in Awe everytime he'd popped up with a gift.

He would fuck me every weekend, he got so addicted to fucking me that he would arrange for me to be called out of class just to fuck me in the bathroom. Sometimes during class he would finger me or have me jerk him off, at first he did it privately but then he wouldn't care when or where and I mustn't even try and refuse him then he would yell at me and my punishment would be allowing his gang friends to watch how he fingered me. He would start telling me what I can and cannot wear, I wasn't allowed to wear dresses when we went out, only when I'm in school so it'll be "easy access".

I wasn't allowed to speak to anyone other than him, I wasn't even allowed to greet his friends. When he would hang out with them, I had to sit on his lap, quietly. He isolated me from everyone and everything, he made sure that my world revolved around him but it didn't, I was just scared of him. I was young and he was matured and older and I couldn't go to my mom, whom I lived with at the time in Los Angeles. If I told my mom about Dre, she would've informed my dad, who lived in Australia and he of course would've found out that I had a boyfriend and that I'm not Virgin anymore, and he would have surely shit a brick as he use to be very traditional and so damn old school.

So for over a year I stayed in that relationship, even after Dre starting fucking around and then he would come to me and expect me to open my legs even though the sex smell is still strong on him. That's when I started to refuse him more and that's when the beatings started, he would hit me all over my body, but never my face and while I'm a crying mess he would fuck me, while I'm sobbing mind you and do you know what he'll say when he comes down from his high? He would profess his undying love for me and then kiss me and tell me how great it was. Now you see what "love" really is? What it does to people even though it doesn't exist. He took everything from me because he "loved me". He broke me mentally, physically and emotionally because he "loved me".

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