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I had texted my friends that I had left, leaving out the fact that I had left with Theo.

Alfred had dropped us off in front of my house, him not having said more than two words to me since we left the club.

"Do you want wine?" I had slipped my heels off and was now in my kitchen, taking out glasses.

"Do you have anything stronger?" I heard Theo clear his throat, and glanced back to see him leaning his side against the entrance of my kitchen.

I offered him a small smile and nodded, "yes, I have tequila. Is that good?"

"It'll do," he murmured and diverted his dark eyes from mine.

He seemed so bothered, confused and frustrated, I wanted nothing more than to have him relax and feel better. I knew he felt conflicted for going against what he had assured himself was best for me, but truthfully, I needed us to be okay more than he could imagine.

I took out a bottle of tequila and shot glasses for us both, and brought them over to the island table.

Just as I was about to turn back to fetch salt and quickly slice up a lime, I observed Theo making his way closer and grabbing the bottle into his hands.

My brows furrowed and I froze when I watched him take the cap off and drink straight from the bottle. I cringed and immediately forgot the lime and salt.

"You don't need salt or—" I awkwardly offered as he brought the bottle down and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, intense gaze meeting mine again.

"No," he muttered and placed the bottle down.

"It's better with—"

"I know it's better with salt and lime, Scarlett. I'm not dumb," Theo huffed out and ran a hand through his hair.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed, realising this wouldn't be as easy as I thought it would have been.

"Fine," I spoke, challenging him to continue this frustrating façade. I grabbed the bottle and took a swig from it, the alcohol in my body lessening the intense taste, yet not enough for me to be able to not cringe.

I shook my head and brought the bottle down, unwillingly swallowing down the burning alcohol.


We had drank too much, that was for sure.

I couldn't stop admiring him, even when he clearly was angry at himself and the world... also maybe even at me.

"I slept with someone else," he bit out, running his hands over his face as he leaned back against my couch.

My body was turned toward his side, my arm resting on the backrest while I fiddled with the half-empty tequila bottle in my lap.


"No, of course not. I meant Carmen," his eyes seemed so tired when they finally met mine. At least he seemed to be more talkative now, with alcohol in his system...

"Oh, right..." I nodded, letting myself get lost in his eyes for just this moment, having missed them. I blinked slowly before continuing, "we were just dating, though... at least we weren't officially together, right?"

"You're being too positive about it," he murmured, not seeming to be able to look away from me either, his tone low and calm, "I was the one rushing us. I wanted to make us dating public before you were even comfortable with it. Then Carmen just comes over, and... you know the rest..."

I found myself frowning, "what's done is done..."

"Why are you so willing to forgive me and move on? What are you after?"

"Excuse me?" My brows furrowed.

"You heard me, Scarlett. I'm so selfish, and such a bloody dick. There's nothing good in us for you," he seemed so sure of this, it made me sigh.

I took another swig of from the bottle, before handing it to him, deciding I shouldn't drink any more tonight.

There was nothing to stop me spilling out my feelings now though, the alcohol only encouraging me to do so, "you make me feel safe and cared for. I'm so happy with you, you make me laugh. I don't want us to end, Theo. I'm not after money, if that's what you're insinua—"

"I know your not after money," he breathed out and looked down at the bottle in his hands. He closed it and reached forwards to place it on the coffee table.

"Why aren't you letting me forgive you, then? I want to move on, don't you?"

"I want you to be hap—"

"Stop that," I cut him off, "you make me happy, and so does being with you."

"What if I sleep with someone else when we're serious? Will you still forgive me?" Theo's gaze met mine again, a glimpse of feelings such as loneliness and longing glimmering in them, and my heart ached.

"You wouldn't do that to me, I trust you," I assured him and myself with a nod, "we were just dating then... technically, I could have done the same..."

A deep sigh left his lips, and slowly he nodded, "I can't even drink wine anymore without thinking about you. You're bloody everywhere."

A quiet and tipsy giggle left my lips, and I shifted closer to him on the couch.

"Maybe you think about me too much," I teased lightly, my hand brushing against his arm caringly.

The sides of his lips tugged up with a small smile, "I can't stop it."

I hadn't even realised how much I had missed his smile until I now saw it.

I couldn't look away from him, and soon found myself leaning in to kiss him. For a moment it seemed as if he was going to let me kiss him, but then hesitated.

"I should go..." Theo cleared his throat uncomfortably and forced himself to look away.

Instead of letting him bring his walls back up, I reached my hand up to his jaw to turn his face back towards mine.

I pressed my lips against his.

"Stay the night," I murmured, almost in a whisper, coaxing him to give in.

A shaky breath left his lips and, in less than a second, he had cupped my face in his hands and shifted to face my body.

He kissed me with such passion, need and hunger, I felt dizzy in the best way possible, my whole body craving him and the connection we had.

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