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"Theo, no!" I raised my voice at him, growing very frustrated.

He sighed and ran his hands over his face, "yes. I'm splurging out on this, love, accept it."

I shook my head, "no, I don't want you to book a big venue. I want to have it here at yours."

"Ours," he corrected me, "if you want that because you don't want me to be spending money..."

"I just want us to celebrate with our closest friends and family..." I sighed, "you don't need to spend so much money on this."

"You're going to feel like a queen, Scarlett," he gave me an almost boyish and in-awe smile from opposite me at the island table.


"I'm so glad everything went to plan," I let out a breath of relief, tension from the past months finally releasing, "the wedding planner was starting to get on my nerves..."

Anne laughed, squeezing my hands in hers, "it was a good decision to come here instead of some venue. The decorations are beautiful... the music..."

After the church, we had cars to drive everyone over to Theo's and my home, which the decorator had made in to a white swan fantasy. Everything was perfect.

"And you really do look absolutely beautiful. It's a good thing you took me dress shopping with you," Anne grinned lightly, and I laughed gently.

"I don't know what I would have done without you, Anne."

"I've made a list of possible baby names, by the way," she began excitedly, "I'll send a photo of it to you, once you've got back from your honeymoon."

I smiled and nodded, "I've actually made a list as well... don't tell Theo."

"Don't tell me what?"

Two arms gently wrapped around my waist, and a chin rested on my shoulder. I would always recognise that low voice and masculine scent.

I leaned back against his front carefully and reached one hand up to cup his cheek, "oh, nothing..."

"Mum, Scarlett and I are choosing the name..." he told his mother.

Only our closest of close family and friends knew about me being pregnant; my father, Anne, Louis, Linda, Emma, Justin, Thomas and Tim.

"Of course, of course," she brushed it off and then gave me a wide smile, "I get to babysit, though, right?"

"We wouldn't have it any other way," I assured her.

"Congratulations," Cristiano suddenly appeared by Anne, sending a stunning smile to both of us.

My body tensed a little. He had grown to become a friend, but him being my celebrity crush had no way disappeared or changed.

I felt Theo discreetly kiss my jaw, a knowing grin on his lips.

"Thank you," I cleared my throat and returned his smile, "it's so lovely you could come today."

"I'm honoured you invited me," he nodded, "you look beautiful, Scarlett. You're a vision, Theo's a very lucky—"

"Hey," Theo spoke from behind me, directing his attention at the Portuguese dream in front of me, "that's my wife you're talking to, mate. Watch it with the flirting."

Cristiano chuckled light heartedly and raised his hands up in a sign of defeat.

I slid my arms to rest over Theo's, which were still wrapped casually around my waist from behind.

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