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It was a simple necklace. The small cross, as well as the thin chain, were silver.

I doubt he was very religious, and neither was I, but I found it to be such a simple yet discreetly beautiful necklace.

Slowly seating myself down onto the now made bed, I scribbled up a quick note.

'I'm sorry for leaving like this. The necklace is for you, I hope you like it.


I left the necklace on top of the note on the nightstand, knowing he would find it there.

Theo had left two hours ago to start warming up for the game, which was to begin in an hour. We had agreed that I'd stay here in the suite to watch it, but I had different plans.

I just needed him to think I was here for the duration of the match, simply because then he'd have nothing taking his focus away from playing.

My suitcase was already packed by the front door of the suite with all my belongings in it.

The blood-red evening gown he'd bought me yesterday was hanging in the closet. I couldn't take it with me, it didn't feel right even when I absolutely adored it. I had folded up the hoodie Theo had given me what felt like ages ago, and had also left it in the closet with his clothes.

Nobody knew I was leaving. Not Albert, not Pablo, Emma or Red.

Feeling gloomy for several reasons, I left the suite and made my way downstairs into the lobby.

I went up to the front desk and asked them to order me a taxi. I decided to go wait by the front doors.

With no makeup and simple leggings as well as a grey shirt covering my body, I waited by the doors for the taxi, which would then take me to the airport.

I felt very disappointed in myself. I shouldn't have had sex with Theo last night. I shouldn't have let things escalate so far, even if I was in it with just half the energy I usually had.

It seemed things really weren't looking up for me, since the next two people to walk out of the elevators were Bendela, Carmen, and a few other women who were surely labelled as jersey chasers.

They were strutting in their heels towards the front doors of the hotel, gorgeous bodies displayed with their skintight and revealing clothing.

I would never be like them. I didn't want to be like them. I was happy with just being an ordinary Scarlett, spending all my time working and studying. It didn't fit with Theo's lifestyle, as his didn't fit in with mine.

"You're going to watch the match like that?" Carmen stopped just before passing me.

I sighed and turned to her, really not in the mood for her judgements. Her voice was sweet, but what she said was extremely patronising.

"Do you have a problem with what I'm wearing?" I tilted my head a little with an extremely fake smile. All the women were now looking at me, and this really felt like a scene from some American high school movie.

"Oh no, honey," she spoke, "I don't. You might want to check with Theo though, does he really want to be seen with you when you look like—"

"That's it, you bitch!" I snapped.

Right when I was about to rip her extensions out, a strong arm looped around my waist to hold me back.

Looking very surprised, the women left the hotel soon after. I was left calming down my accelerated breathing. I stood still for a moment, staring after them.

I couldn't believe what I'd just been about to do. Attack another person? That wasn't me. I was a helper, I always had been.

I felt as if I was having an identity crisis when Pablo stepped into my line of vision.

"Are you alright, Miss Dubois?" He asked me, brows pulled down in confusion.

My lower lip trembled a little and tears formed into my eyes. I was going through an emotional turmoil and hadn't slept a wink. No, I definitely wasn't alright.

"Shall I call Mr Black?"

"No, no," I shook my head, "please, don't mention any of this to him, I just— my taxi's just arrived... I need to.. to go."

I was motioning with my hands that I needed to leave through the front doors, blinking rapidly to make my tears go away.

"You're leaving? But you're meant to be flying back with Mr Black tonight?" He asking me.

"It's a long story, Pablo. I just need to leave," I shook my head, a shaky breath leaving my lips once I finally managed to somehow gather myself.

He was quiet for a moment, somehow understanding me. He then nodded and took ahold of my suitcase.

"Let me help you to your taxi."


From: Theo: The match is about to start! You're watching? x

I was just boarding the flight which would bring me back to London.

I handed my ticket to a stewardess who scanned it, and then wished me a nice flight.

Once I had sat down at the back of the plane at the window seat assigned to me, I texted Theo back.

To: Theo: You'll do great. Good luck to you and the rest of the team 👍🏼

A bubble with three dots popped up, telling me he was typing a reply already.

From: Theo: I forgot to tell you: now that Portugal lost to France, Cristiano's spot on the Fifa listings might be bumped down to second... which means I have a pretty good chance of becoming number one x

Him being statistically the best football player in the world didn't make any difference of how I had thought about him and now thought about him. He was just Theo to me, if he managed to score hat-tricks left and right or not.

I understood it must be a big deal in the world of football, though.

To: Theo: That's exciting 🥇

I was using Emoji's to cover up the fact that I wasn't going to be using exclamation marks or 'x's.

From: Theo: Coach is calling me. I'll see you tonight. I love you x

I didn't reply to his message and instead let myself fall asleep with the plane slowly rolling towards the runway.

Less than halfway through the three-hour flight, the pilot actually announced that England had won the World Cup.

I was happy for them and happy for him. They'd worked hard and had been waiting for this for a long time. They deserved it. England must be going crazy right now.

I knew Theo would soon find out I've left, so I kept my phone on airplane mode to avoid his texts right now.

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