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"Wake up," his voice was coaxing me back from such a sweet dream.

I grumbled and glared up at him the second I opened my eyes, "what's going on?"

"We're going for a run."

I groaned and stretched my legs in the most unattractive way while I covered my face with my hands, "that's never going to happen, Theo. What time is it?"

I noticed he was wearing a white tee shirt with black basketball shorts.

"It's 7 AM. Come on, love, get up. I've fed that devil cat of yours, I think she's warming up to me. Just a quick run, a few miles..."

"A few miles? It's way too early, let me sleep," I complained, rolling onto my side so my back was to him, the duvet loosely over my body on the couch while I let my eyes close again.

I felt his lips on the back of my shoulder, his hand caressing the curve of my side and pushing down the duvet in the process.

"Just a quick run. Not many people are out this early, so nobody will disturb us," he was telling me, his hot breath fanning my skin and lips brushing against it. It felt all too good.

"Fine. Just fix me up with a cup of coffee..." I gave in, deciding it would be good to get my blood flowing for when I would study today.


"There's a park over there, right?" We had just stepped out of my house.

"Yes," I replied, zipping up the hoodie I had on top of a sports bra, "where did you get those clothes from, anyway?"

The sporting clothes he was wearing most definitely hadn't been from inside my house.

Theo turned to me with a grin and a shrug, "I called Alfred to drop them off for me with a fresh set of clothes."

I laughed, "you seem like such a difficult person to work for. Does he get any sleep?"

"Funny," he ran a hand through his hair, "come on, I have training in two hours so we don't have much time."

"You have training yet you want to go for a run?" I raised my brows at him, a smile tugging at the sides of my lips.

"Yes. Now stop trying to talk your way out of this," he grinned, "we're running to the park and through it, then back."

I cursed underneath my breath, wanting so much to be studying right now instead of going on a run. Especially with Theo Black.


"Isn't this nice?" He smiled, casually jogging beside me.

It felt like we had been running forever. I couldn't even admire the gorgeous park, lit by the gentle morning light, as I was too busy trying to keep my breathing calm.

"Sure," I managed out, my feet already feeling tired.

"Let's go through the forest and back to yours, sound good?" Theo took a few steps faster until he was able to turn around and jog backwards while watching me.

"Sure," I nodded once, "let's just slow down a bit?"

"I was just suggesting we speed up, but okay..." he laughed a bit, shrugging before turning around again to face the small forest path we were about to go on.

The park was rather empty at this hour with just a few cyclists and dog walkers, none of them seemingly having paid any more attention to Theo than they would have to any other very handsome man.

"My legs are shorter than yours," I reasoned, "and you... you play—oh!"

Just as we'd started the path going through the forest, I tripped on some tree root sticking up from the soft ground.

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