Acknowledgement & Final Note

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Acknowledgement & Final Note

To theweirdcocojam, thank you for supporting me and being the most amazing best of friend. Your insights had been a big part of the success of this book. :)

To kae_not_kay, Jen-1982, notfortunesfavourite, Onewish3, FrenchyElv, thank you for all your helpful feedbacks and criticisms. No amount of words could ever describe my appreciation for all of you. . :)

To cmp0421, thank you for patiently waiting. I know my update intervals could last between months so thank you so much for staying 'til the last word. <3

To all the readers who voted and commented ( cloudsinbay, morningramen, hxppysxint, memey6, PINK-NIAH15 and so many more... ) and to the silent readers, I would be eternally grateful that you found my book.

'Til next time!

I know this is so pretentious of me but I want to do this.
This book has played an enormous part in terms of improving my writing. I discovered that present tense and third person don't work hand-in-hand, at least for me. I realized my own style in writing. Also, the biggest lesson that this book taught me is that: It doesn't matter if you didn't follow some rules.

I hope you new writers will realize that early on. I depended so much in what people think of my book that my writing became so inconsistent because I don't know what rules to follow anymore.

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