16. A Cradle of Lies

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"What irritated me most in that entire situation was the fact that I
wasn't feeling humiliated, or annoyed, or even fooled. Betrayal was what I felt, my heart broken not just by a guy I was in love with, but also by, as I once believed, a true friend."~Danka V.

After the honeymoon months passed and as my belly grew. So did my relationship with Prince. We actually were able to move past a lot. Time and the fact he started to go to therapy to help with his issues.

I was two weeks away from my due date being in May and it was starting to get warmer here in Minnesota. As I was rocking in the rocking chair he bought me humming our telephone rang.

Standing up to answer it I hear Prince voice...

"Leave us alone we are happy and you no longer have to deal with her. She is mine and I swear if you try to come near us I will kill you..." He hung up and now I was nervous. That was strange but I walk down the hall towards him.

"Who was that?" I asked as he look up from his guitar.

"No one important, oooh baby you're almost done we are going to meet our baby soon..." He says changing the subject.

"Yeah I wanted to go and get a bite to eat. I am in the mood for pizza..." I say feeling uneasy about his lying.

"Okay relax I'll go get my beautiful wife and baby some pizza what kind you want?" He says kissing my belly.

"Ham and pineapple pie, a pepperoni pie, a extra cheese and spinach pie, and a bacon with tomatoes pie please oh and a tall bottle of water, fruit juice, and a seltzer water oh and a chocolate chip brownie and cookie..." I say as his eyes widen.

"Baby no disrespect but are sure you don't have a football team in there you know we can check..." He says and I smirk although he trying to be funny I am a little ticked off by his lying.

"Oh hush I want this to be a surprise now are you going to get my food I'm hungry..." I pout before he smiles kissing my lips.

"Alright spoiled queen I'll go get your massive order but I want you to relax and not strain yourself too much I'll be back in a few." He says grabbing his car keys leaving.

Once he was gone I started to look around his office. I know last time I snooped around I found something that still traumatizes me to this day. I can't go in the basement without the thoughts. He says we are going to renovate but I still don't know about that.

But when we got married to give this a try he promised not to lie to me and I promise to trust him and not snoop around. He obviously can't keep a promise so neither can I. I need to know what he is hiding from me this time.

This anonymous call kept coming after we got married and each time he will tell me it's nothing. Opening his left drawer I see all the pictures he took of me over the whole time knowing me.

From the day he stalked me to now which in theory sounds crazy to be married and having a child with my stalker. Closing that drawer I look in the next one to find a letter:

We HaD a DeAl AnD YoU WeNt BaCk On It If YoU dOn'T gO tHrOuGh WiTh It I wIlL hAvE tO bE fOrCe To RuIn YoU aLL....~YoUr WoRsT NiGhTmArE...

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