11. Is Loving You Hard?

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"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind,
And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind."~William Shakespeare

He left me alone to eat after we had sex, sex so good I had to lay down and contemplate if I was strong enough to do this. To heal a man and at the same time not let him in to my heart.

I have had sex with other men and left them but that's where he is different. I never had the type of satisfaction with them like I do with him. Sex with Prince is not just a simple dance where it's over in 5 minutes and you can go back to life.

No he tortures you while giving the one thing he is torturing you from. He is slow and meticulous with how he takes your body feathering his kisses all while rubbing your heated body senseless like he has more than two arms.

He is calculated in every move without being calculated at all and that is something he was right about...I never experienced that not even with Buster...

Sitting at the table in this room I eat the delicious meal he made which was vegan. He evokes your body with his food and his touch but his mind now that is what makes you pull away.

If his mind could be as loving and warm as his food and touch than woman wouldn't rebuffed him. They would fight over him not with him. Finishing my food I decided to take advantage of my limited freedom and take a shower.

He locked me in my room and again he sealed my windows. But I wouldn't escape now even if I could. It's too risky and I don't even know anyone here. He would just find me and drag me back. No I have to be even more calculating than him. Simply running away is not the answer.

Walking into the shower I let the warm water soothe me as I cleanse my body. My own touch makes me flashback to his and I find myself yet again mimicking his touch with my own. Damn he has unleashed a freak in me.

"You know Bambi if you want to be touch all you got to do is ask..." His voice whispers in my ear and I lean back feeling the coolness of the shower wall. Opening my eyes he is nowhere to be found. But I heard him I can't be going crazy? Can I?

"You can hear me Bambi but you can't see me. I can see you and I can definitely hear you. Now ask me to come and touch you..." He says and now my one sense of privacy I thought I had was gone.

But the craziest thing is it didn't bother me. It turned me on I wanted him to watch me. I wanted to seduce him and I didn't understand why. Why did I want to leave him crippled by my sensuality like I was by his?

"Master Nelson can you come touch me right here?" I say as I look around still trying to find the camera.

"Beg me Bambi...like you really want me..." His voice drop another octave making me want to moan from the smooth and silky sound of it.

"Please Mr. Nelson touch me..." I pleaded as I really did want him to touch me. To touch me all over and never stop.

"No you been a bad girl and must please yourself without my magic touch..." He says chuckling as if my hormones are a joke.

Pouting I can sense he was pleased and then I got a idea. Two can play this sensual and erotic game. If he bugged my bathroom than he surely can see my bedroom too. Getting out of the shower I grab a towel and head into the bedroom.

"Bambi what are you doing leaving the shower? I can still see you in your bedroom..." His voice shifts to the bedroom like I wanted. And I was right he had cameras everywhere now it's time for me to play.

Unwrapping my towel I lay back against the bed assuming the position. If he won't pleasure me than like he said I'll do it myself. Moving my fingers against my warmth. I think about him and soon the feeling of ecstasy washed over me.

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