15. Do I or Don't I?

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"Marriage is a fine institution, but I'm not ready for an institution..."~Mae West

"Bambi baby you got to understand...Patrice hurt me deep. But I still had love for her after the heartbreak..." He says as I sit in the wheelchair I'm confined to for the next two weeks.

The doctor came and confirmed I am pregnant about 5 weeks or so and he was excited to become a parent. Meaning from our time in the library until now he was trapping me. Ronnie and the detective never came which got me all types of emotional.

"Prince you killed her and stored her in this house..." I say shaking my head.

"I didn't kill her baby..." He says with pleading eyes.

"Oh really so why is the body in here then all mummified and preserved?" I questioned with tears in my eyes.

"When we got back I was going to clean out the cellar. But I didn't want to alarm you. I been trying to find a way around it. But you know now so I got people very discreet people cleaning out the cellar right now. And putting her back in her grave...." He says as surely enough I see people outside in hazmats clearing out the dead caucus.

"Prince this is too much, this situation is too stressful for me to be in...." I say as I shake my head.

"Bambi you should know I love you. Each time you defied me I let it go because it makes my heart leap to see you and your character so free and happy. I love you more than I ever thought I love Patrice....Aurelia I can't live without you please..." He says as he cries in my lap.

Shaking my head I stroke his hair as he sobs. Why am I even comforting this murderer.

"Tell me why her body is even here. If you didn't kill her you hired someone to do it." I stated I need to know my mind won't rest easy until I do.

"I didn't kill her nor did I hire someone to kill her. She died in a car accident chasing after her husband who was cheating on her with another woman. I found out about the incident. Her family laid her to rest at the Parkshore cementary. So I bought the cementary just so I can see her again. Her family banned me from the hospital and the funeral. I exhumed her body so I can spend time with her. Yes Aurelia I may be a bit off but I love hard...I can't kill someone I love...." He pours out his heart and I know he's not lying. Although it calm me to know that he's not a killer he is very much crazy still.

"Prince there's need to be some changes..." I say as he sits up.

"Okay..." He wipes his eyes anxiously.

"First we need to live normally not like I am your prisoner...." I start to say as he nods his head.

"Secondly we are going to be parents so we need to agree on the upbringing of this child..." I say as he nods again.

"Thirdly I need to trust you again how am I to know you just won't get rid of me after I give birth?" I questioned as his eyes widen.

"I'll prove it to you Bambi I promise...." He says wiping his face and hugging me close.

The weeks seem to go by slowly as I didn't hear from Ronnie or Officer Tompkins anymore since the meeting and it still bothered me.

It's like they forgot about me or maybe they just couldn't do nothing about it. Prince was a very powerful man with a lot of money.

At first I was really apprehensive about Prince being back in my heart. Although he cleaned out the house and cater to my every need. I still don't know if it's just for this child I was carrying.

In time my ankle heal and I was able to move around and do things on my own. I started editing my rough draft for my next book adding to my experiences and this surely would be a best seller.

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