Ch.4: Vladimir Castle

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Book One-Simply Blinded

Part 1


Chapter Four

Soon as Xerxes left the heated car, he hurriedly walked up the long steps, toward the big double doors, before he opened them and walked into the enormous castle, he would some day own while he sat upon a throne.

He didn't dare to look back at Kieran as Rodrick guided her out the car. What occurred moments ago was something out of the ordinary and he was going to make sure that it never happened again. He had almost lost control—something he hadn't done in decades.

Xerxes had to keep telling himself that she was a weak terrain girl and he was someday going to be king of Zy'trian, the vampire world. He had no unnecessary time for—whatever you wanted to call it.

However, it was going to be difficult, due to the antagonizing fact that his body so desperately wanted the human, that instantly had the blood in his cold veins pumping with adrenaline for her delicate body and its honey sweet nectary.

The thought of maybe draining her dry crossed his mind, though he somehow knew he wouldn't bring himself to do such a thing.

As he entered, a gust of wind blew from the unfolding of the doors.

Entering into the vast foyer, he stood and admired it's beauty, taking in the interior that spoke of luxury and wealth, for it had been in the Vladimir family for over fifty centuries.

The foyer had high pyramid limitations with a shiny sparkly, gold crusted chandelier hanging from the cream colored ceiling.

A huge letter 'V' was imprinted out on the gold, shiny glass floors, as well as a long, brown mahogany, spiral staircase that swung around the whole top floor of the foyer, only leaving a couple of maid rooms to be left underneath with a hallway that was built around the bottom of the staircase. Black and white checkered floors, and pentagon shaped columns all around.

Two fixed, shined windows also standing on each side of the main entrance.

Xerxes at the moment was glad to be home, so he could rid himself of these human filled thoughts. All around him he could smell her mouth watering fragrance and it repulsed him.

With immortal speed, he ran up the stairs and stood before a gravestone shaped, mahogany bronze colored door. He knocked hard; his attitude changing profoundly. To be truthful Xerxes didn't have a clue what to feel.

He continued to harshly pound on the door, as he could hear shuffling on the opposite side. Knocking again, the door opened and the hall was flooded with light from a night lamp that was positioned on the bedside dresser.

The only way for Xerxes' mind to dispel of the terrain girl, was to go to a certain vampyress, that knew exactly how to satisfy his needs just as well as he did.

"Well, well, if it isn't the prince himself." Thana purred, her red lips turning into a smirk as she stood in the doorway clothed in nothing, but a crimson, silk robe. Her skin, radiant and creamy smooth, with her perky breast and her long locks that flowed down her back in honey blonde ringlets.

Simply BlindedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora