Ch.3: Blood Stone

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Book One- Simply Blinded

Part 1


Kieran's hearing snapped into a thin, sharp line as she gained counciousness and gripped her head where a duel, searing pain surged. She waited for her senses to adjust and kick in, for they felt blurry, indistinct, and unaware.

Her fear scaling as she became more physically aware of her unfamiliar surroundings.

"Are you alright?" An unexpected voice spoke. Kieran could barely speak as she moved to sit up from the discomfort of the grimy, bumpy floor. Pins and needles trickling down toward her torso and the stiff pain increasing in her right side.

Her mouth was dry and it felt as if she was swallowing sandpaper, as she brought chafed lips together, to only taste the dry blood on her mouth. Her senses pulsating with fright, as horror laced her heart. 

"Where am I, what d-did they do to me-e?" Kieran murmured, voicing her thoughts, and wincing from the agony that pierced her ribs.

The images of what happened in the woods replaying like a horror film in her mind and instantly she panicked.

It was pitch black and the file aroma of blood, sweat, and other unidentified things had the contents in Kieran's insides churning. She couldn't see a thing and if she used her hands to pat her way around, she was horrified of the disgusting things she'd discover.

She was mostly worried about her mom. What would her mom think when she got home to any empty house? What if the same people who kidnapped her, took her mom?

So many images and scenarios surfaced in the negative portions of her conscious. She was scared, confused, angry. Kieran's eyes became glazed with fear, her heart was a constant drum in her ears. Her mouth opened and she began to wheeze, from the desperate need of air.

Who were these people? What or who did they want? Why her? What were they?

Kieran knew that the men that had taken her weren't human beings. They were sick, cruel monsters. All she wanted to do was go home, read a story, while eating a tube of Ice cream. Kieran wanted to feel safe, content, but her knowledge was limited of where they were going. The only thing she hoped was to go unharmed and maybe get in contact with her mother.

"Woah, hey just breath okay." The pale girl, who sat in dirty and tattered clothes across from her instructed. "Follow me." And with a slight hiccup, Kieran began to mimic, as the girl exhaled and inhaled.

"That's it. Just breath." Slowly, Kieran began to breath normally.

"Thank you." She uttered, timidly. Even though, they couldn't see, the girl grinned.

"No problem..." She paused, waiting for Kieran to address herself to which she hesitated at the fact that she didn't know this girl. For all she knew, she could be an axe murder or worse one of them, but Kieran's next words left her mouth unexpectedly, as she took a deep breath.

"My names Kieran." She responded, snuggling with her coat to shield herself from the cold and dirt.

"Well, Kieran I know how first times can be but you'll get used to it. My names Madison, but I mostly go by Maddy."

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