Ch.12: Theories

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Book One- Simply Blinded

Part 1


It was dark and none of Kieran's common perceptions, disbarring her sight, seized the awareness in her brain. Her entire form was still as if death laid upon her; Slowly, she gained her senses, whilst her touch was nulled and seemed to be locked from her control, along with her eyes that hid underneath closed lids.

Yet, Kieran was hazily awake and her hearing was sharper than the edge of a cleaver.

This out of body experience, however, was outlandish to her and she still couldn't quite grasp the snippets of her surroundings.

The air was cold and fiercely nipped the hairs of her skin, a stale stench of antiseptics and germicides hung wholly throughout the room causing a minor burning sensation in her nasal cavity, and the eerie silence would have almost been intolerable if it weren't for the chimes of voices that resonated through a diminutive crack in the door.

Kieran was unmindful of where she was.
It made her feel strictly fraught and unsafe causing the ascendency in her brain that usually maneuvered her movement, temporarily, with held such things.

It felt like her dream all over again and she feared that she was possibly imprisoned between a state of reality and a fantasying illusion. She didn't even know if she had woken up from her dream. She couldn't recall anything that happened after. Her mind was absolutely blank.

The situation in her dream, anyhow, was so translucent. It was a notion she repetitively deliberated upon. She couldn't seem to digest the information she received, it was constantly being heaved back up.

She had too many questions that needed to be answered and lately it seemed that that's all she every had. Nothing in her life added up, nothing made sense anymore and the problems only increased as her knowledge expanded.

Who was that man? Why was he talking about my mom? What can't I remember?

It was just too much. Kieran was for sure her head would explode from the vexation.

No words could even explain the ire confusion she felt. However, one question still blazed within her mind...

Was her entire life a lie?

Kieran transiently cleared her mind and continued to lay within oblivion.

However, the familiar voices that she heard formerly, with her lack of noticing, could be heard clearly within the room.

"Do you think she'll be alright? It's been almost twenty four hours and she still hasn't moved yet. It's very unsettling." The pain-stricken voice without a doubt belonged to Kohra, who anxiously stumbled over her words.

For the past six hours, Kohra and the gang, including Xerxes had been anxiously waiting in the hallway of the Clinical area for information about Kieran's healthy.

After what happened and after Chris awoken from his nerves breakdown, they all immediately rushed to the Clinic.

The entire situation leaving everyone ruffled and unnerved. No one could wedge together, what was going on. Xerxes and Kohra shared similar ideas, although, they weren't a hundred percent sure of the theories that plagued their reasoning. They didn't know how or why Kieran acted the way she did.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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