Ch.11: Nightmares

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Book One-Simply Blinded

Part 1


Kieran groaned as she sat up from the floor. The cold tiles littered with grime and filth that had blown in from the broken windows. With a sharp intake of breath, Kieran's senses suddenly became blurred and censored.

Leaning breathlessly against the bare walls, she wearily lifted herself from the ground and took an eyeful of her surroundings.

The hallway that she stood in was lighted from the window on her left side. Same as her dream before, the trees and leaves furiously swam in the night air.

The pure white dress she was placed in hugged her torso and flowed down in large ruffles toward her feet, that was surrounded by shards of broken glass, broken twigs, and dirt.

Cautiously stepping over the glass, Kieran carefully walked forward, her steps slow and unsteady. She shivered as the wind blew, piercing sharply through the cotton of her clothing.

The castle was old and seemed to be unused for over hundreds of years. The tall, pointed ceiling leaked, due to the holes and cracks. The once fresh paint was now peeling off the walls, like a wet band-aid, leaving behind a rusty yellow hue.

Also, rats inhabited corners, bats hung by their feet, and countless spiders were embedded along their sparkly webs, that dangled from the crevices of the ceiling.

The floorboards moaned in agony and the castle carried a stench of musk and mold.

How had she gotten here? Why was she here? And suddenly her mind became enclosed into a box, her feet wasn't her own, and like a rag doll, her mouth was stitched together.

Help! No words.

Kieran's feet began to move, directing her down a long, dimly lit hall. Her insides started to gather with nerves as black shadows danced acrossed the walls, hissing a language that was familiar to her. However, she couldn't exactly make out the words.

The shadows surrounded her, circling her like prey, smelling the fright that oozed from her like blood to a wound. They touched her licorice locks, hissing from the pain that touched their fingertips.

Though, they repeated this action. The were fast and was incapable of being seen by the human eye, however, the shadows left a trail of mold and musk.

Kieran's heart pounded so furiously, it was possible you'd see the outline of her heart through her skin. She was absolutely horrified of the terrors that held her hostage within her own unconscious state---conscious state? Her body wasn't her own. Passing countless doors, the hallway abruptly came to an end. Her feet stopped.

Run! Can't

Not even seconds, the whispering of the shadows turned into screams, the wind that was once a low whisper turned into a howl, and the creatures grew an inch in size as they scurried from every nook and cranny of the hallway, making a pool at Kieran's feet.

Scream! Nothing!

The spiders circled around her until her chest down was bounded by the sticky string. Her struggle in wiggling free was no use. The sweat that dripped from her forehead met the warm tears on her rosy cheeks, as the rats and rodents piled onto the web in a pyramid form.

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