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𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝙾𝚗𝚎: 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚙𝚑𝚎𝚌𝚢

Kieran had picked the wrong time to go out for a late night snack. It was freezing and the thin, brown jacket she wore just wasn't cutting it.

The cold wind continuously surged around her, as she walked along the deserted streets. The grocery bags she carried seeming to weigh a ton, as they noisily thrashed against the fabric of her pants leg.

The street lights that hung like a hook above her glowed through the darkness of the late hour, lighting both sides of the pavement.

Not only two hours before, Kieran was carelessly dumped across her couch, reading a novel. She knew that it was too late to be going out, yet the intense craving for a tub of Ben and Jerry's cookies and cream ice cream was a yearning that needed to be quenched.

Walking further down the sidewalk toward her abode that patiently awaited her arrival, she suddenly heard the shamble of scuffed feet behind her causing a pang of fear to immediately barrel throughout her body, as she quickened her pace.

So many thoughts came rushing at once, when the individual behind her copied her panicking actions. Her heart pumping a mile a minute. She could feel as it throbbed vigorously within her chest. Thoughts of characters in a horror film coming to plague the whispers of what was already to come.

Kieran could hardly catch her breath, when she turned to see the silhouette of a person, dressed in colors as dark as the sky. She was terrified. A gasp escaped her as her bags became puddles, concurrently, as her tubs of ice cream had at her feet. She was merely frozen to the concrete only seconds until her mind caught up to see that she had taken off in a sprint. Her long black locks whipping from side to side.

Who is this person? What did they want? Why were they chasing her? How would she leave this alive? And the theory that came to mind, of how her mother would react to see men dressed in uniform knocking at the door, to inform her of the dreading facts of how her only daughter was discovered dead in filth of the streets?

Kieran ran as if she was in a marathon, her breath coming out in short pants. She couldn't even hear the footsteps behind her, but she could care less as her instincts told her to keep running.

Not too far, light was became exposed; just passed the trees. Anxiety and eagerness beginning to consume her body as she drew closer to her desired destination.

However, suddenly her attention was engrossed by a beautiful man that stood before her. It was almost as if time had stopped.

He was sickingly pale with an intimidating height of six foot something. His muscular body covered by a silk shirt that snuggly fitted his frame and was draped by a black cloak.

He was unlike any man she'd ever seen, with his dirty blonde curls framing his cheisled face perfectly. Confidence and strength orbiting him, that had Kieran wanting to subdue. All the while the glorious, deep brown of his eyes never faltered their gaze on her.

Kieran was mesmerized as she stared back into molten depths that made her become lost and confused to the world around her. Meanwhile, his gorgeous face was expressionless.

"What is your name?" The rich depth of his foreign accent almost hypnotizing as he inquired such a simple question. Her lips parted, but it was difficult for her to even utter a sound.

Hell, she couldn't move because she was glued to the beauty of a such a specimen. Just a mere glance at him had her knees wanting to give away.

Gulping as he took a menacing step toward her; his dark eyes, once more, never straying from her electric bluish-gray ones.

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