Chapter Ten

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I was bringing my freshly cleaned clothes back up to my apartment once they had finished in the tumble dryer. I made it to my door and unlocked it with ease before stepping in and kicking the door closed once more.

The moment that the door had closed my phone began to ring.

I groaned as I sat the basket down on my couch and fiddling with my phone before I was able to accept the call.

"Hello, Park (Y/N) speaking." I answered, tying to not sound as flustered as I was.

"M-Miss Park? It's Taehyung. Um- Kim Taehyung."

I felt my own heart twinge as I listened to the worried tone that Taehyung had presented me with. Instinctly, I began to softly interrogate.

"Are you alright? What's going on?" I asked him, taking a seat on the edge of my couch with my hand gently gripping onto my other elbow while I held tre phone close to my ear to listen.

"It's Jungkook, h-he collapsed. We're in the hospital now and I'm- im so worried." He sounded like he had been upset for a while now.

"What do you need me to do?" I asked him, letting him take control of the situation and provide support to his band mate. His brother.

"I need you here," he began, his tone full of assertion, "please Miss Park. We are all worried to death."

I took in a breath and nodded to myself before speaking, "text me which hospital he is in and I will head over straight away."

"T-Thank you, I'll send it now." Taehyung said as he hung up the phone- which led me to think he was sending the address. I grabbed a jacket and slipped on my shoes while trying to locate my keys all at once. Eventually I was ready and I made my way towards the parking lot while waiting for Taehyung's message.

I got to my car and started up the engine, then receiving the long awaited text from Taehyung which informed me of where I needed to be.

I quickly reversed out of the parking lot and turned onto the highway as I headed towards the hospital with my heart's beat rapidly becoming apparent as I felt it in my ears.

In truth I was anxious, I was pondering on what could've possibly happened to Jungkook to cause him to collapse.

The details weren't even one hundred percent clear to me, Taehyung didn't mention where he collapsed or what he was doing before he did. But I subsided because inquiry and told myself that I will be informed when I get to the hospital.

I found the right turn off and was entering the hospital parking lot before I knew it. Once I had parked I began to make my way into the hospital and up to reception with pace.

"Excuse me, I'm here to see Jeon Jungkook." I told her, immediately receiving a scoff from her while she glared toward me.

"You're just another crazed fan, god can't you people give the poor man a break? He is so-"

"Miss Park, follow me." A thick voice came from my left.

I turned my attention toward it and noted that it was one of BigHit's bodyguards. He were probably informed to come and collect me from reception.

I nodded and gave a side ways frown at the rude reception lady, although I couldn't be too mad at her. She is just doing her job- and I could've guessed that some fans already tried to pull something like I had done.

I followed the security guard into an elevator that took us to the top floor of the hospital, the private wing.

"The room is the second one to your left." He said as the door opened.

We both stepped out and I thanked him for his assistance before making my way towards Jungkook's room.

I approached it and felt my heart begin to pound in my chest even louder, but why? I was puzzled at why my body was deciding to react in such a way but I didn't have time for this. I had to put my client's first.

I knocked on the door softly, just in case there were a few people resting. The wait for someone to answer felt like it went on for years.

Then the door opened, and I was greeted with the worried face of Taehyung.

"Thank you." Was the first thing he whispered to me as he stepped forward and embraced me.

Now this was a very shocking event for me, I didn't realise what was happening till he had pulled away from me. I was guessing that he was the hugging type when he had emotional distress going on and I didn't want to take that away from him.

Taehyung stepped to the side and encouraged me to come inside, he closed the door behind us and led me into the room where six other men were located.

I hadn't met any of them yet, but I was familiar with them as individuals because of how fondly Jungkook spoke of them.

Namjoon was sitting right besides Jungkook's head while he rested upon the hospital bed, his skin pale and his eyelids softly darkened. It looked like a classic case of exhaustion but I wasn't a doctor.

Beside Namjoon was Seokjin who seemed to be comforting Namjoon while he gazed over at the young male who rested peacefully.

On the other side of the bed sat Jimin who was fiddling with his hands, an empty seat beside him which I could only assume was Taehyung's.

At the end of Jungkook's bed, against a wall, sat a couch that supported both Hoseok and Yoongi who were both in their own little worlds at the time. Most probably trying to clear their heads.

"This is Miss Park (Y/N), the woman who has been supporting our Jungkookie." Taehyung introduced me, gathering all of the member's attention.

I looked at each person individually before gently bowing my head in greeting, "I'm sorry we had to meet under these circumstances, but I'm here to help everyone."

The men gave me acknowledging smiles, tired smiles. They knew I was there for them and that's all that mattered for me at that moment.

Then Jungkook stirred in the hospital bed,


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2019 ⏰

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