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For a while now, the idol who was loved by millions felt more alone than ever before.

His members realised how he had begun to change. Jungkook no longer wanted to be included in group activities, he no longer participated in dance practices and grew further away from his hyung's as the days rolled past.

Of course he didn't want to feel this way at all.

Jeon Jungkook was at his peak just a few months before, the world was literally in his hands. But that was part of the problem.

Everyone of his movements were monitored by fans and the press. The attention that he had received as one individual was a lot for a celebrity to handle and it was finally starting to take its toll on the young man.

Everyone tried their best to help him, but he would only push them further away. He didn't think there was anything wrong, he didn't feel as if there was anything wrong. Jungkook believed that he was able to get through whatever it was that he was feeling. He wanted to think as if it were a phase rather than something more permanent.

But suddenly one day, the eldest member stepped forward and spoke to the younger male as it hurt him too much to see the bright and bubbly man look so down and broken.

"I can't stand seeing you like this Jungkook-ah," Jin began as he looked down to Jungkook who was sitting at his desk and staring down at the paper in front of him. He wanted to write, but no words that he felt could describe his feelings would come to mind, "please let me help."

Jungkook looked over his shoulder to his hyung, seeing how much sadness was in his eyes as he pleaded to Jungkook. He simply turned back around and blocked out the older man.

"It's not worth it." Jungkook responded as he stared blankly down at the lined paper without a drop of emotion upon his face.

'I'm not worth it.' He thought to himself.

"Yes it is!" Jin shouted as he spun Jungkook around to face him, his hands gripping onto the youngest shoulders as he met his gaze.

"You need to talk to someone Jungkook."

Jungkook looks up to Jin with pleading eyes, eyes that looked drained of any hope that he may of had left for himself.

"Who would help me?"

He whimpered, showing the older male his much weaker state before years began to line his eyes as he stared into Jin's eyes.

"Who would help me when I have so many reasons to not feel this way. I would be wasting their time. This is just a ph-"

Jin interrupted Jungkook abruptly.

"It's not a phase. This is serious Jungkook, and it has completely gone out of control. Everyone is worried about you, but you won't let us help. So at least let me get you someone to talk to. There is someone who specialises in talking to idols like you and I. She understands how overwhelming it can be. "

Jungkook beagn to cry as he listened to Jin's words. His heart aches to feel light and fluttery again, his eyes begged to have some sort of sparkle released back into them and his voice yearned to be heard once more.

"She would have to be a miracle worker to fix me."

Jin gently wiped the youngest tears before embracing him in a moment of silence. He simply held the weak man as he cried into Jin's shoulder, finally letting some of the built up emotions out of his system.

"She is no miracle worker, but she can help even the most lost people. The Idol Therapist...."

"....... Park (Y/N)."

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